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Thursday 24 September 2020

Review of CVommandos 2 HD Remaster(Xbox One, PC, Switch)

 Hey guys! Welcome to another versus battle! This time, two senior figures of the DGR community, Robert "King of Gibraltar" Stevenson butt heads with Fraser "CRSnake" West. Who will emerge victorious this time? 

Let's find out!

(Best enjoyed with headphones)

Right, guys!, Let me give you the low-down on what happened. When I bought Yu-GiOh! Legacy of the duellist, Fraser went in with his request to review it. However, when Crusader Kings 3 went on game pass on on its day release, Robert went in with the request. It boiled down to a community vote. The community voted and the results of it was announced during my review of Final Fantasy VII. Yu-Gi-Oh! Outvoted Crusader Kings 3 – 5. Now, Robert challenged Fraser to a head-to-head to prove that he had a better taste in games (of course, I was the setting on the sidelines, toffee popcorn in hand.

 Today, I went into my local GAME to buy enough steam credit to get Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Complete, Robert decided to take advantage of the fact that his birthday was yesterday to get his review posted sooner. Well played, Robert, well played!)

Anyway, let's get on with this!

In the dark days of World War II, an elite strike force was formed, which is to be deployed behind enemy lines, conducting various missions, ranging from sabotage raids to espionage. This unit was formed in June 1940. During the course of the war, the commandos has played a pivotal role in the Allies victory over Nazi Germany. For example,The commandos aided members of the French resistance to sabotage various targets to disrupt German rail, communications and power networks in the area of the invasion.Which  was a factor of the success of the assault on the Normandy beaches.

You put the part of the leader of the commandos as you carry out missions of similar nature in locales such as German occupied France, to aid the Allied war effort to defeat the Germans in Europe.

The accessibility scores are as follows –

Visibility 9.5

The game has no colorblind mode or filter. To be honest, there is very little need for them. There is no colour coded elements that will be an issue for a colourblind player. Also, it is very hard to track where the commando you're controlling is. However, there is a way to zoom in thecamera which focuses on his immediate area. However this can pose an issue as a soldier can detect your commando from outside the area that you are focused to. Obviously, this puts you at a disadvantage.

Audibility 10

this game has a subtitle function  which can be activated via the games options menu. Also, if you cover is blown i.e. a German soldier spots one of your commandos, symbols will appear to warn you. So that way, you know to get to cover before he raises the alarm.

So, there is no great issues in terms of playing this game with a hearing impairment.

Mobility 9.5

this game is quite simple to play, even with a controller. Pyro seem to have the controler-based  interface pretty much nailed down. The controls seems pretty simple. You move the left stick to move your commando around the battlefield right trigger uses weapons. If it is held, the weapons menu, similar to Grand Theft Auto 5 appears, allowing you to select and change weapons on the fly. However, obviously there is a lot more actions that your commando can  do using a mouse & Keyboard.

In terms of the PC version, this game is pretty much accessible to a player with a mobility impairment. You can use the mouse to control your commandos and manage weapons and  inventory  this game also has controller support. I understand that playing a strategy or tactical game with a controller seems pretty mundane. 

But, certain people prefer the familiarity of a controller. Also, for players with certain mobility impairments, controller support for a PC game is pretty much a dealbreaker.


4.5/5 console

5/5 PC

Gameplay 8

in short, the key mechanic of this game is stealth. Instead of moving your forces around the map, and engaging the enemy head-on, like Tom Clancy's EndWar. The best way to play this game is to utilise each and every commandos abilities and weapons to navigate through the map, preferably without detection, and taking out the enemies silently and discreetly. This game has a very steep learning curve, so if you're to  the commandos series, get used to dying – you will do this a lot! However, when you take the time to master the mechanics and utilise each and every commandos strengths, this will be a very satisfying experience.

In summary, Commandos 2: HD Remaster is very unique from other tactical games on the market. This is due to the games reliance on stealth makes it stand out from the pack.

This game is pretty cheap to buy on Xbox, along with praetorians, this could be a very good purchase for a person who is into the tactical games and is looking for a challenge to play on the run-up to the festive season.


A pretty high score, but the questionnaire is – is it high enough to stop the mighty Blue Eyes White Dragon?

find out next week!

Now, to talk about something a bit more morbid, but important. Like it or not, guys, a second lockdown seems to be a case of when, not if. So, at this time we are susceptible to stress, depression and even suicide. According to the Samaritans, 421 people take their own lives and the Republic of Ireland. Which was an increase of 69 compared to the previous year.  Sicide rates in other regions of the UK is continuing to rise and both men and women.

The suicide rate for females under 25 in England and Wales has increased by 93.8% since 2012. The highest level last year!

Over here in Scotland, which has the highest suicide rate in the UK last year. A staggering 16.1 deaths per 100,000 persons was attributed to suicide(SOURCE- The Guardian)

Earlier on this week, a family member talked about taking her own life Anyone that talks about suicide should be taken seriously. Riddle me this – which three words can prevent suicides? Here's a hand for you guys – it's not "don't do it!". It's "are you all right?" I am also suffering from slight depression. I recently graduated from university, and due to the coronavirus there is very little jobs available. However, friends of mine is actively helping me maintain my positivity throughout this pandemic.

Now, Greig, don't you worry! I haven't forgotten your request for Mafia Definitive Edition. I will try to get a posted tomorrow, or sometime over the weekend at  the latest!

Seriously, guys don't suffer alone! Even as simple chat, socially distanced cup of tea over Skype, or simply playing a video game with your friends as effective when recovering from poor mental health. There is more support available than you know! Contacting the Samaritans over the phone on 116 123.

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