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Friday 20 March 2020

Review of Doom Eternal (PC, PS4, PC Xbox One, Switch)

Hey everyone!

This week I review the latest edition to one of Bethesda's biggest franchises.

Does this game live up to the legacy of its predecessor?

Let's Rip and Tear..... Until it is done

                             (Again, best enjoyed with headphones on!)

Id Software's Doom series began during the PC Gaming Boom in Dallas Texas in the early 90s

Apogee Software was taking full advantage of this trend in the industry, with classics such as Raptor: Call of the Shadows, a shooter based off the highly successful Top Gun and the PC's answer to Super Mario Kart, Wacky Wheels. In 1992, two Apogee employees left the company as the game they were developing was too controversial. The game in question is called Wallenstein 3D. This game was so controversial. John Carmack had to censor the port for Nintendo's SNES  console.

The next year John Romero and John Carmack took the concept of Wolfenstein and expanded it further. Thus the very first game, Doom was created. This game was released to worldwide acclaim. Matter of fact, it became the biggest productivity killer at the time.

Workers in IT jobs were spending a lot of time playing  Doom over the office's network instead of doing their jobs! This got so bad the Id software offices timetabled allocated times of their working weeks so they can play DOOM.

The initial success made a plethora of sequels. Doom 2: Hell on Earth, Final Doom, which was a compilation of Evolution (commonly known as TNT) and the Plutona Experiment.

In 2004, John Carmack gave us a sequel. Doom 3. This game was highly criticised by both the critics and the community due to the differences in pace, slow start to the campaign, and general plagiarism from Half-Life in its plot.

 In 2016, the franchise got it's swagger back when the game we were waiting for years dropped. That game showed the world what a DOOM  game should be. Fast-paced, in -yo-face b@lls-to-the-walls action!

This year the spiritual successor to one of the most successful games of this console generation has released today. This game picks up where 2016 left off.

Well, guys, we tried! The daemonic forces have taken over mars and are now invading Earth, and consuming it, bit by bit. You play as the Doom Slayer who has travelled to Earth. It is up to you to beat back the daemonic hordes and send them back to Hell with their tails between their legs!

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
When it comes to accessibility, Bethesda seems to have taken it seriously with numerous colourblind modes that can be changed on the fly, you should be able to play this game with no issues. As a Brucey Bonus, you can change the size of the font in subtitles and menus.

Audibility 10
There are subtitles which can be activated via the options menu. You can also customise where the name of the speaker appears. So you can play this game with no issues.  

Mobility 7
From the previous  Bethesda games I have played, this one is the most accessible. You can customise the key bindings button layouts, with a controller option which only makes things a lot easier to play*. The main criticism is that there is no legacy stick layout!

Gameplay 8 
For a DOOM  Game, this one is awesome, probably the best thing Id ever made, graphically it looks stunning, even on the low preset. In terms of the enemies, they've kicked things tenfold! The Arachnotron is back, each with their own unique weaknesses. So you 'll have to use your head instead of mindlessly pushing forward. In terms of playtime. This is give-or-take just as long as Doom 2016.

In terms of Multiplayer content, this game is unique. The main issue is they've scrapped Deathmatch mode. But they've replaced it with Battle Mode This is is a  2v1 arena-type game mode a team of two demons hunts the slayer and the Slayer hunts the demons down. Playable demons include the Remainant, with elbow-mounted rocket launchers and the Pain elemental. The Slayter, on the other hand, has every weapon, modification available in the game. If both demons are killed, the Slayer wins the round. If the slayer gets killed the demons win. To me, this is similar to Gears of War's Warzone mode.

This makes the game unique as it's different than the bog-standard deathmatch modes. Most  DOOM  players play this game for the single-player experience, Quake is Bethesda's dominant traditional deathmatch-style game.

In summary, Doom Eternal is an improvement from Doom 2016, the story is exciting, the action is great. The lack of Deathmatch mode may be an annoyance, but the single-player experience more than makes up for it! If you are into single-player focused games, I can't recommend this game enough to you. 

Sure it's a bit pricey, but the opening 20 minutes makes it worth every penny, let alone the rest of the game!


See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Company!


*=If you are not a glutton for punishment, and pick Nightmare Difficulty!       



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