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Thursday 20 February 2020

Review of Kingdom Hearts (Various Formats)

Hey everyone! Welcome to JRPG  Season,  a season of reviews that belongs in the JRPG sub-genre, this week, I review one of my favourite JRPGs remastered. Does this game deserve the remaster treatment it received?

Let's find out!

(best enjoyed with headphones on!)

Well, guys, we were about doing a  Sonic Rush but the announcement of the release of the classic Kingdom Hearts games on Xbox One, our schedule had to be changed.

When the announcement hit the Xbox Facebook page, I braved the elements (and the harassment from David from my local GAME to review Dark Souls) to get enough money on my Xbox account to buy it.  But, let's get on with this review.

The Kingdom Hears Series is the fruits of the collaboration between JRPG veterans, Square Enix, and one of the biggest (mostly) kid-friendly film producers, Disney. The first game was released in  2002 for the highly successful Playstation 2. I remember playing these game days before my accident in 2004, so I needed the nostalgia and escapism from the stresses of my Honours Degree, with dissertations, class tests and whatnot. Hence the reason why I took a 50-minute walk in heavy rain and winds to get a copy.

The game starts off in the Destiny Islands. You play as Sora, who dreamed about exploring other worlds with their freinds, Riku and Kairi. The day before they set sail on the raft they built, the Heartless attacked and Sora finds himself in another world, Sora and his companions, Donald Duck and Goofy to uncover the mystery of the dark entity that attacked Destiny Isles, and find Rikku and Kairi!

NOTE: the version tested is the remaster, Final Mix on the Xbox One
The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 9.5
here are no colourblind modes, but there are no colour-coded elements that can cause an issue for colourblind players

Audibility 10
There are subtitles in cutscenes which can be enabled and disabled via the options menu. All other dialogue is text-based, as par for the course in the JRPG  Sub-genre

Mobility 8.5
there are no alternate control layouts to choose from. But the controls are easily playable. When enemies appear, the camera automatically snaps to the nearest Heartlessas soon as you start attacking it. So you should be fine with this game.

Gameplay 10

At the time, this had a whole new battle system,. The combat is in real-time, which was a breath of fresh air in contrast to the turn-based combat in previous entries and the Active- Time Battle System from FF7. This game clocks in, on average of 34 hours, 8 minutes. Which is pretty decent for a PS2 game. The worlds you visit, based on Disney films are diverse, with their own unique sub-story and bosses These include:

  • Wonderland from Alice in Wonderland   (I'm late! I'm late! for a very important date!)

  • Olympus Colluseuim from Hercules (who puts the glad in Galiator?)

  • Monstro from Pinocchio( I got no strings to hold me back)

  • So you'll be playing for a long time.

    In conclusion, Kingdom Hearts is a timeless classic of the JRPG sub-genre, the story is exciting, the gameplay is fun the Final Fantasy and Disney cameos makes this game a must-buy for any JRPG fan, or just a person who loves Disney. Sure £35 is a bit steep. But the first 15 minutes of gameplay makes it worth it, let alone the whole game!


    See you guys in the next review!

    SpartanCommander1990 out!

    Roll out, Spartan Company!

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