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Friday 11 October 2019

Review of WipEout: Fusion (PS2)

Hey everyone! I'm bacxk in R-Cade  to build up hype for something big that's happening next month, on this very blog (evceryone who knows me personally, you  know exactly what I mean!). Can this game take the chequered flag?

Let's find out!

The WipEout series is PlayStation's answer to MarioKart. In 2002, two years after the highly-successful PlayStation 2  was released. 

This game is set in the year 2160.  You take part  in the future of F1, F9000 [insert Vegeta reference here]. You pick a team with it's own strengths and weaknesses. For example Auricom's craft is heavier, so it's acceleration is low, but it can soak up damage like a sponge! and a pilot and compete in fast-paced races as your team rises to  Anti-Gravity racing glory!

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
 everyone out in the track is foe, so no colourblind mode is needed.

Audibility 9.5
There's no spoken dialogue, and when your shields are critical on-screen notifications should appear,  But it needs  expanding. When an enemy gets a lock-on and fires a missile towards you an audio cue should happen to warn you that a lovely package of pain is on it's way to you but, on-screen notifications are non-existent. But parts of your craft should start to fall off as your ccraft takes damage, so you should be OK with this game.

Mobility 10

This game has numerous control layouts. But additional customisation options would be better.

Gameplay 11

For a PS2 game, this game is massive. This contains 45 race tracks, 32 ship models and  26 weapons, most of which are unlockable with skill, which gives you an incentive to keep on playing, giving this game a load of lifespan. This game is you bog-standard MarioKart game. Fast-paced, in-yo-face B@lls to the wall.Graphically, this game holds up pretty well to 360 standards. There are split-screen multiplayer so you can own your buddies on the same couch, and the challenge an ag League modes has a massive amount of single-player content.

In Summary WipEout Fusion takes what's good about the classic WipEout games and cranks it ten-fold! T  I remember this was one of my most-played games on my PS2 before my accident. I was completely hooked. Playing this again now, it is easy to see why.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have set a new record in the retro gaming category in DGR. History is made in R-Cade!

See you guys in the next review.

SpartanCommander1990 out! Roll out Spartan Company!


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