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Saturday 14 September 2019

Review of Tom Clancy's Division 2 (PS4, PC, Xbox One)

Hey everyone! welcome back to the final review of this versus battle. Last time I reviewed Gears of War 5, requested by surprise entrant Robert "King of Gibraltar" Stevenson.  The game came in with a massive 107.5% review score, becoming the highest-scoring game in dgr history. Can this game beat that score? Who will get renamed?

Let's find out!

(this narration is best with headphones on)

Tom Clancy's  The Division is the Wile. E Coyote to Destiny's Road Runner. The first entry of the series was originally released in 2016.

In this game, a  new, deadly strain of the Smallpox virus known as Green Poison has rocked the USA. Numerous Militia has taken advantage of the chaos in the  Capital, Washington D.C. You play as an agent from the Strategic homeland Division (SHD) who is tasked to take down the warring factions in the city and restore law, order, and stability to D.C.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 11
There are numerous colourblind modes which can be changed via the options menu and a higher contrast colour scheme can also be applied to the in-game menus. There is an option to enable TTS(Text-to-Speech) in the game's menus. This allows you to hear which option is selected.

 So like the Coalition, nether spared no expense when catering for visually impaired players.

Audibility 10
There is the in-game subtitle, and you can customise the size of them. This also affects text in the menus. As I said in my review of Gears 5, this allows you to play this game without the risk of eye strain while reading the text in menus and subtitles. There should be no issues when playing this game with a hearing impairment.

Mobility 8
There are multiple layouts to choose from. But both the button and stick layouts change as you scroll through the control options. This is good for mobility-impaired players as one of those includes a legacy layout. But that is simply not good enough! Both button and stick layouts should be changed individually. Preferably, customised you cand find that "Sweet spot"* bin terms of which control layout is more suitable.

Gameplay 8
Don't get me wrong. I think Division 2 is a blast to play with freinds online. But that's the only way you can play it! This game, like Black Ops 4, Titanfall and most depressingly,  the Doom remake requires a constant online connection, so without a reliable internet connection, you have practically wasted £60! I understand it's trying to be Destiny. But with a price tag that high you'd expect to have at least some single-player content to this game.

 As a case-in-point Destiny 2 is pretty much half that price, £29.99 on Steam.

In summary, Division 2 is a fun game when playing with freinds and other users online.  With a vast city full of missions, Darkzone areas, where the PvP battles are.  In my opinion, this game matches Destiny 2's Calibur.


Here are the final results-

Greig's Division 2  failed to make landfall, with a score of 92.5%, which has been renamed to OG Loc  

Heather escapes getting renamed with her New Colossus, scoring 95%

  and the Victor goes to surprise entrant, Robert "King of Gibraltar" Stevenson, with Gears 5, coming in with a record-breaking 107.5%

See you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

P.S Autumnal Assault starts now! More details to follow! 

Roll Out Spartan Company!

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