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Friday 13 September 2019

Review of Spiderman 2 (PS2/GC/OG Xbox)

Pizza time, everyone! Tonight we're giving you an extra slice on the DGR Pizza! So, can Pizza Parker make his deliveries on time, keeping the food nice and hot, or will Mr. Aziz flip out? *Cue Pizza Time Bass Boosted*

This review is dedicated to the birthday boy, James a.k.a PizzaParker, so if you are reading this, happy birthday to you!

Without further adeu, let's on with the review. (The pizzas aren't going to deliver themselves!)

This game is set in New York City in 2004. Doc Occ is at it again, he is using uranium to create a mini sun, which will absorb all of the metals in the city, which will cause the city and society to fall apart. (We interrupt this review of Spiderman 2 to bring you Tom Clancy's The Division!) It is up to our friendly neighbourhood Pizza Delivery Boy, Peter Parker a.k.a Spiderman, to prevent this from happening!

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility: 3
The city is big and expansive, but can be difficult to navigate as everything looks the same, and you have colour coded object markers, with more colours than toppings on a Pizza!

Audibility: 0
The game has no subtitle option, this is as acceptable as h.aving pineapple on Pizza! (Let's not start a debate in the comments, here!) To make matter worse, you will be reliant on NPCs giving you directions on what to do next. If your hearing hasn't got quite enough dough to make the base yet.

Mobility: 6
Although there are alternate control layouts to choose from, there are only 2! This is good for mobility impaired players, but it's like only having pepperoni on a 12 inch pizza. You need more toppings in order for the pizza to have any flavour. In the other oven, there are 2 swing modes to choose from, allowing you to customise which method you are going to use to make Pizza swing around the city like Tarzan in a jungle. So with everything considered, there are plenty of features to make this game accessible but not exactly takeaway quality!

Gameplay: 9
With a vast area to explore, side missions to complete, including "Pizza Time" delivery missions. There are plenty of lifespan to stick around for, but on the other hand, after every so often, completing the same mission over and over again make the game boring.

In summary, Spiderman is one of the most finished games on the Playstation 2. (Including the all famous Pizza Time theme!) This game is a very good adaptation of the 2004 movie. Giving credit to Activision, they have made the most of the Playstation 2's limited hardware capabilities. It's a very well done Pizza! Okay, we'll stop with the Pizza Puns now!

Overall Score: 31.5

This game leaves a bad afterstaste in our mouths due to the lack of basic accessibility features

Again, special thanks to Cobra! (Cobradabest) for scribing!

Roll out, spartan company!

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