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Wednesday 24 July 2019


Welcome back to the Summer of Game Pass, and boy do we have a treat for you this time! The next two reviews will be two members of the Staff at my local GAME battling it out, with this blog as the battlefield. With the winner getting to rename the loser's DGR alias!

I thought Ultimate Review Kombat was the ultimate battlefield! This one takes the biscuit!

Without further delayIT'S TIME TO D-D-D-DUEL!

(Remember, this review narration is best enjoyed with headphones on!)

Right Heather, you first!

This game was a launch title of Microsoft's Xbox One system but was originally developed as a  Kinect-only title for the Xbox 360. Crytek decided to develop for the more capable Xbox One. You play as Marius Titus, a Roman soldier, who was on a vendetta against Barbarian bandits who have murdered your family in cold blood.  It is up to you to take on the various enemies of Rome as you fight battles during the fall of the Roman Empire.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
There is no need for a colourblind mode as when an enemy or group of enemies approach the camera locks onto them as you hack and slash your way through them. So you should be fine when playing this game.

Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles present, so you can understand what's going on as the story progresses. So no major issues there.

Mobility 7
 control-wise, this game is accessible but clunky.  when engaged by multiple enemies, you can't switch targets, forcing you to fight the enemy one at a time. But another issue is when you are using a ballista to defend positions or ordering arrow volleys you press and hold the left bumper to give the order.

You can use voice commands using a microphone or Kinect. but do you know how hard it is to make Endwar understand Unit 3, engage hostile 4,"? Sadly Kinect features are obscure these days.

Gameplay 7
This game suffers from what I call "The Dynasty Warriors Effect". Like in the Warriors games, most of the time you mash the same button over and over again. The flow of combat is extremely hard to follow due to the issue I outlined earlier. As you cant switch targets, it is easy to get hit from behind.

In summary, Ryse Son of Rome is a  bog-standard hack n slash game. Battles turn into ta button mash fest pretty quickly, the command system is hard to use when you're not using voice commands. If you are looking for a hack n slash game, this game could be a good choice. But you'd be better off getting  Warriors Orochi 3 or Dynasty Warriors 9


Not a bad score, to be fair. Can her opponent's game beat that score? who will get renamed?

Find out next time.

SpartanCommander1990 out

Roll out, Spartan Company!

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