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Tuesday 2 July 2019

SUMMER OF GAME PASS- PART 1- OUT OF THIS WORLD-Review of Surviving Mars(PC, Xbox One)

Hey everyone. Welcome to the Summer of Game Pass! a summer-long review series dedicated to the games that are available for free on Game Pass Ultimate. So kick back and relax and let GP airways fly you away to far away worlds. For a small price of £10.99 a month. Can this game kick-start this vacation on a high score?

Let's find out!

( just a reminder these narrations are best enjoyed with headphones on)

Let's face it guys,  the situation facing our planet is rather grim.  Global temperatures are rising,  due to the excessive burning of fossil fuels in our day-to-day lives. As a consequence,  heatwaves and other extreme weather events are becoming more frequent,  the arctic ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising.

We'll have to accept our time on Earth is ending a lot sooner than we think. According to NASA North American Space Administration,) Global temperatures have risen by 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880 and we are losing a whopping 413 Gigatonnes of Arctic Sea Ice every year.    

For humanity to survive as a species we will have to find a new planet to colonize for a fresh start. So we turn to our red neighbour in the solar system, Mars. It is up to you to manage your colony, resources, and colonists as you orchestrate a new chapter of humanity's existence in the solar system.

This review has been requested by William The Western Samurai.

The accessibility scores are as follows.

Visibility  10
This game needs no colourblind modes as there are no colour coded elements that can cause an issue with colour blind players.

Audibility 10
If any significant events were to occur, for example, you are running low on a particular resource, or a dome is low on water or Oxygen, on-screen prompts should be displayed, so you'll be able to manage your colony on Mars with the greatest of ease

Mobility 11
With multiple control styles to chose from, this game is perfectly accessible to mobility impaired players. You can use your mouse like most city builders. But similar to Tropico, you can connect your controller to your PC and use it. The interface when using a controller the interface's design is excellent, the interface is just as easy to use as a mouse. So in terms of peripheral, it's down to personal preference. Some people prefer Coca-Cola, other people prefer Pepsi. With things being this hot(on Earth) you gotta stay hydrated some way or another!

Gameplay 11
If I were to compile a list of games to play after a panic attack or epileptic seizure, this game would be at the top, or at least in the top 3. With this game, you can play this entirely at your own pace. The soundtrack is very calming, this game is very easy to pick up and play, with the mechanics is challenging enough to be engaging and not so challenging to strain your brain. When you go through a seizure your neurons in your brain gets scrambled, impairing brain activity for a while.

So, after a few hours of sleep,  you need something easy to play to bring things in your brain back to normal.

 This game has a load of lifespan as you'll be hooked on your first game, and you'll be playing this game for hours on end with  DLC  bringing more content onto the table. For example, the Green Planet DLC allows you to terraform the Martian surface, making it completely habitable. Playing this game made me remember the days before my accident playing Staropia for my PC.

In summary, Surviving Mars is an excellent city building simulator. In my honest opinion, better than Tropico. This game is easy to pick up and play.  As I said earlier you can play this game entirely at your own pace, with the occasional natural disaster to keep things interesting.


 this game sets the bar extremely high. Can the next game match or top that score?

Find out next time!

See you guys in the next review.

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Before I go, I would like to bring forward an open discussion with you guys. This is mainly aimed at you fighting game fanatics out there.

Two members of the DGR community were duking it out on Tekken 7. One of them won by repeatedly pressing the same button to make his character perform the same move over and over.again. this tactic is commonly known as Spamming. Some people would classify that as cheating. Others would beg to differ.

so. Spamming-  Cheating that should be banned outright, or a legitimate tactic?  Let me know in the comments. 

Roll out Spartan Company!

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