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Friday 5 July 2019

Punishment Game- Super Sonic Racing- Review of Sonic R (Various formats)

Once again, SpartanCommander made a "whoopsie!". This time of epical proportions, so as a punishment for my dumb@$$ery, I have decided to revisit one of the worst games of the franchise. Can SpartanCommander leave R-Cade with his sanity(or should I say...what's left of it!) intact?

 Let's find out!

 ( just a reminder these narrations are best enjoyed with headphones on)

Right guys, let's get this over with as quickly as possible.

Do you know what important item you are most likely to lose? wallets!

So, as I arrived in Glasgow CentralI thought I left my wallet on the train, as I dashed back into the said train, spent around 15 minutes searching for my wallet, in case I left it on the seat I was sitting on, and a further 15 munites in the Lost Property  Office.

I found out it was in my backpack underneath my laptop (D'oh!). So roughly 30 minutes of panic. All for nothing. So as punishment for the said offence, I decided to inflict yet another cr@ppy game for me to review. Androo took advantage of said screw-up and made me review Sonic R.

Right guys let's get this done!

Originally released in 1997 for the Saturn, ported to PC that year and ported again to the PS2 and GameCube in 2005 with the Sonic Gems Collection.


While Sonic and Tails are out on vacation, they notice an advertisement for the World Grand Prix, a racing tournament, open to all, for a price of one Chaos Emerald. (we interrupt this Sonic R review to bring you my Graduation Special review, Sonic Riders *DING*). When they found out Dr Eggman entered, they entered as well to keep the Chaos Emeralds away from Eggman

 The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
This game needs no colourblind mode during races as the current positions are displayed in list form. So you can keep track of the positions as the race progresses.

Audibility 10
There are no cutscenes, nor spoken dialogue in this game so you'll be A-OK with this game.

Mobility 7
In short. This game's controls are without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest mess I have ever played. Even for a Saturn game. When I  was playing this game my hand started to ache. With no analogue sticks on the Saturn Controller playing this game felt more like a chore. Bearing in mind guys the Gravis gamepad, which had an analogue stick was released in 1991.  8 years after this game.

Gameplay 6
Sega did it again. they took a decent game, created a  cruddy clone of it, then slapped the Sonic the Hedgehog IP on it in order to make a quick dollar. They did the same with Sonic the Fighters. Matter of fact, this game is just as bad. If not worse. Yes, there is still secrets and alternate routes to find. But that does not excuse the repetitiveness, sub-par graphics. Seriously, guys,  the Sonic featured in the Movie's trailer looked better than that. In terms of lifespan. It can be completed in under an hour.

In summary. Sonic R is a pretty bad game. Some even consider this game to be the one of the worst in the franchise (I'd say 06 and Rise of Lyric are the worst!). As I said this game felt more of a chore to play. It makes me wish that I picked Crazy Frog Racing (PS2) as my punishment. I would say only play this game while you're either drunk or just a glutton for punishment and is looking for a bad game to play or speedrun.


See you guys in the next review!
SpartanCommander1990 out!

Before I go, I think its time for another open discussion with you guys. This is aimed at all of you.

As you might have summarised, I am now a BSc graduate. One member of my family said I should progress to Honours as it gives me a lot more career prospects while looking for a job.

Another member of my family, on the other hand, said that I should take my BSc and start looking for a job now. He accused me of "Avoiding the problem." of looking for work, and is also saying Honours would be "A waste of a year".

Now. who do you think is right here. Where do you think I should go from here?

Let me know in the comments of this narration or this blog post.

Don't worry Robert, the Metro Exodus review is underway and is making good progress.

Roll out Spartan Company!


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