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Saturday 29 June 2019


After the glue of the clan, Denny "Ocelot" Reid left the Snake Eaters the entire clan went into an internal power struggle as both Robert and Heather was competing for the role of chief ambassador of my local Game Store.

When they were arguing on what I should review after Resident Evil 4- Metro Exodus or Ryse Son of Rome, the first ever URK match within a clan was declared. The question is who shall reign supreme.

Let's find out!

*Heather inserts £2 in the coin slot*
*both presses start*


*Heather picks Kitana*
*Robert picks Shao Kahn*

Heather's prediction- 65%(next review is Ryse- Son of Rome)
Robert wins- Metro Exodus is next)


The call of cut and past- err Duty series has been highly successful with millions of copies sold with every entry, spanning from the dark days of World War 2 and the Cold War to the theatre of Modern Warfare, even into the future( too many games are set in the future, anyway!).

this is set in World War 2. The campaign sees the war from the Allies' perspective,   as you fight as  a Soldier in the:

  • British

  • Polish

  • American

  • Canadian armies (BLAME CANADA!)

  • as you fight to stop Hitler's domination of Europe, and the World
    The accessibility scores are as follows:

    Visibility 9
    There is no colourblind mode. In this game, there is no need for one. Unlike the later entries in the series, you teammates have symbols over their heads,  so if you see a soldier or vehicle with no symbols over their heads, smoke em! So you should be fine with this game.

    Audibility 10
    there are subtitles in this game and on-screen notifications which are shown on the console messages notifying you of events like a team's flag was taken, so you'll be good with this game.

    Mobility 10
    You can change the button and stick layouts via the options menu. So you can play this game with  minimal to no issues in terms of a mobility impairment

    Gameplay 8
    Don't get me wrong, I like this entry into the franchise. With multiple campaigns to play through you will be getting a fair bit of gameplay for what you paid for. But it's multiplayer that causes issues. There are only Capture the Flag servers that are joinable over  Xbox Live. Personally, I find playing the same game type over and over again cumbersome. If you are looking for a cheap game to play over the summer break. This game could certainly be an option. With the game being backwards compatible on Xbox One, no excuses, soldier!


    Heather wins!

    see you guys in the next review
    SpartanCommander1990 out!

    Roll out Spartan Company!

    sorry guys, no narration this time as I took an epileptic seizure while editing the narration next review I'll  restart the narrations

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