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Sunday 19 May 2019


Hey everyone! welcome to another edition of the dgr equivalent of the rivalry between Valve Corporation and Epic Games. This time its Fallout 4.
So, can Bethesda redeem themselves after the catastrophe that was Fallout 76? Let's find out.

After the second consecutive defeat at URK, Robert "Liquid" Stevenson realised that he can't stop his arch nemesis,  Fraser "CRSnake" alone.

 He banded together with Denny "Ocelot" Reid, William "Grey Fox" and Heather "Sniper Wolf" Sands, to form their own clan,  the Snake Eaters to gain power in the dgr community. When Heather found a pound coin that a customer dropped, and added while sweeping the floors in the shop.

After the discovery, they agreed to make their presence felt. The other members then "Chipped in" for extra credits on the URK Cabinet. Robert then marched all members to the DGR Arcade, located at the bridge under Glasgow Central, where Fraser beat some random guy at the Cabinet, Robert then challenged Snake to a few matches. Of course, CRSnake agreed.

After getting caught red-handed using the stairs AGAIN (read my Star Wars Battlefront 2 for more info) this time by Heather- You thought I'd have learned by now! so I had to review this game as punishment for the offence. But to Quote the Arctic Monkeys.

"Thrown in a riot van
And all the coppers kicked him in and there was no way he could win just had to take it on the chin"

Snake's Prediction- around 60%
Snake Eaters raised it to 75%

Yes, Tails, it is!

  Snake picks Kung Lao

Heather picks Shao Kahn


Shao Kahn: the Great Kahn demands a review of Apex Legends.

Kung Lao: Dude, have you even played Fortnite!? As a Shaolin, and defenders of the sanities of the Realms, I must stop you!

Shao Kahn: you fool! you will pay for your disobedience!



This game takes place during the events of Fallout 4. A massive Nuclear strike by China cripples US Society. You play as a US citizen who enlists in protection from Vault-Tec who was cryogenically frozen in Vault 111, protected from the radiation. During that time, your wife was killed, and your son got kidnapped. You now have to explore post-apocalyptic Boston to find your son(not the refund for the copy of Fallout 76 you bought on release!).

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Audibility 10
Robert starts proceedings by throwing a spear at Fraser, which connects

This game has subtitles so you can understand what's going on in-game. So you can understand what's going on while the story progresses.

Visibility 11
Heather hits Fraser with yet another Spear Attack and lands a 4 hit combo
The colour of the Heads-up Display (HUD) can be customised,  it uses the  RGB (Red Green Blue method, allowing more customisation on your HUD.  The colour of the interface can be customised when using your Pip-Boy, commonly known as a Fallout player's best friend in the same way.

Mobility 6

Fraser replies with an uppercut with a Fatal Blow/ X-Ray move on the side

The controls on the PC version can be fully customised. There's controller support, too.

But it's the console versions and using a controller that has the teething issues. The button layouts can be customised. But the stick layouts can't, which can cause massive issues for mobility impaired players.  Best to play on PC, if your rig is powerful enough. The breakdown of the  versions (out of 5) are as follows:

PC: 5
Xbox: 1
Gameplay 6
Heather  hits Snake with a devastating 7 hit combo with a Shoulder Charge  for good measure  

This game is 76 as it should've been- Single Player Only! (not an Elder Scrolls online rip off. Similar to Mass Effect, the choices you make in-game determines which way the game goes, so there's plenty of replay value in there. For the first time in  Xbox history, you can import mods into this game. Just like you would with the PC Version (gee, I think there are quite a few games ton Xbox which would be better with Mod support like hmm...i dunno... UNREAL TOURNAMENT 3[+5,0000 sins] WHICH IS NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE YET [+15,000 sins])

But Bethesda has pulled some shady [censored] under the rug.

Firstly Bethesda wanted to implement paid mods. One of the biggest advantages of having a healthy modding community is that mods are free UGC (User Generated Content, particularly in games, normally is free to download and use, like Steam Workshop.

There's the Creation Club is how they pulled it off. This is basically MicroTransactions that can be used to purchase additional skins, character models etc. As you can tell, paid mods are a thing now in this game. Hence the 4-point deduction. But mere monkey nuts compared to what Bethesda did with 76.



After the match, Heather emerged victorious!,  we now have a new UMK  champion, and it's the Snake Eaters! 

With Kung Lao defeated, the rest of Earthrealm's defenders surrendered, and Robert's request for Apex Legends went through and has been accepted.

I think this feud is far from over.

See you guys in  the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll out, Spartan Company!


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