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Sunday 5 May 2019

Review of Die Hard Trilogy (PSX, PC,Saturn)

Hey guys! To kick-start the Summer of Retro Season we're taking you back to the PS1 Era, so can Bruce Willis able to take everyone in Alan Rickman's Organization and save the Nakatomi Tower from destruction?

Let's find out!

In the summer of 1988, 20th Century Fox released Die Hard, it was a massive hit at the Box Office, racking in a whopping $140.8 million, this film is very well known. 

In 1992 [InsertEmeral Hill Zone there here], Die Hard 2 was released. That film was an even biggers success, clocking in at a massive $240 million in the Box Office! 

Finally, in 1995, Die Hard with a Vengeance was released, which clocked in with $366.1 million.
with those figures at the Box office, a video game adaptation was inevitable. In 1996,
UK-based development studio, Probe Entertainment released this game on PlayStation 1 and was ported to the Sega Saturn[insert Segata Sanshiro reference here] and PC in. Back then, you'd hear this sound when Windows started:

seriously, when I said this summer-long season is going to be nostalgia-fueled I mean it!
Before we get into the review itself, let's get the shout-outs out the way!

Shout-out to my best friend, Andrew "OpenRA" Carpenter for the request.

And a Happy Birthday to dgr veteran, Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey.

With all the formalities out the way. On with the review.

This is a three-game package, taking place in the events of all three films I have previously mentioned in the introduction of this review.

Die Hard, as you may have summarised, takes place in the very first Film, You have to fight your way through Nakatomi Tower, floor-by-floor, taking every gang member out. Then get your @$$ onto the elevator to disarm the bombs before the timer runs out.

Die Hard 2 is an arcade-style rail shooter, which takes place in Die Hard 2, as you fight your way into Washington Dulles Airport to thwart another terrorist plot. This time, concerning Holly's plane.

Finally Die Hard with a vengeance (yup, you guessed it!) takes place during the events of the third film in the trilogy as you dive around the city to disarm bombs located around the city. The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 7
The only contrast that could cause issues in two of the games: Red and Green.
In Die Hard, the bad guys are represented by red dots on your map. Hostages are represented by blue dots. In Die Hard with a Vengeance, the direction to the next bomb is represented by a red arrow on your compass, and directions to bonus vehicles are represented by blue arrows. I understand that the contrast does not hit this demographic that hard, but it should be addressed nonetheless.

Audibility 8
This game has no subtitles, but in two of the three games, there is little need for one! In Die hard when an enemy sees you a target should pop out warning you one of the bad guys is gonna pop a cap in you! Giving you enough time to react and shoot him before he shoots you. But in Die Hard with a Vengeance, you would rely on your passenger giving you directions to the nearest bomb. But, as I said earlier, you have a compass for that.

Mobility 9
There are four control schemes on all three games to pick and choose from in the options menu. As a handy little extra in Die Hard 2 when you have a light gun, you can connect it and play it like a coin-op arcade shooter, similar to Time  Crisis and Virtua Cop.    

Gameplay 10
With three unique games to play, there's a lot of lifespan to this game. But playing this game does get repetitive after x amount of attempts to beat that particular game. So, in summary, Die Hard Trilogy is an action-packed compilation of three decent games. The option for a light gun to be used in Die Hard 2 is a very nice addition If you happen to have a PS1 and is looking for a relatively cheap game to play over the Summer Break. This game could be a  good purchase.


 Right guys, for the duration of the summer, I'll be dropping hints on what my next review is in the form of cryptic picture-based clues. It can be the name of a character, a place where this game is set in. It is up to you.

Here's one to get you started.

Image result for golf greenImage result for hill
Image result for zone

Figured it out yet? 
  the clues are a Golfing Green
A picture of Hills
A School Zone sign in the USA
the answer is Green Hill Zone

 now here are my clues for the next one

Image result for parting the red seaImage result for giant's causeway

Good luck guys!

SpartanCommander1990 Out!
Roll out Spartan Company!


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