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Tuesday 23 April 2019

Review of Mortal Kombat 11 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One)

While the Cantina Band was playing with Star Wars season in full swing in the foyer of dgr HQ a certain Lord of the Netherrealm appeared out of nowhere and demanded a Mortal Kombat Tournament being held in here. Rather than declining his request, forcing us to fight to the death we complied with his request. By the way, Mr. Kahn, try not to get blood on the carpets, will you?. The janitor spent 7 hours cleaning them!

This review has been in exceptionally high demand. Let's gon through the list, shall we?

  • Fraser "Snake" West
  • DGR's ambassador for the ROI, Heelzor
  • Robert "Liquid" Stevenson
  • William  from GAME
  • Tom Summoner's Rift" Starkey
  • i998 Okami (

 Mortal Kombat is without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most visceral and recognized series in the 2D fighting sub-genre. The first entry of the series, released for the Sega Genisis, GameGear, and the SNES version, which lacks the famous Blood Code (Gee, I guess  Sega really does what Nintendon't!)  in the year 1992,  this game caught the attention of  US Congress, who saw Sub-Zero's Spine Rip Fatality led to  game age ratings becoming mandatory and the formation of its enforcers   The Electronic Standards Ratings Board (ESRB).

This game is the series' Twenty-Fourth* game. The game's plot  takes place after the events of MKX, after Shinnok's defeat at the hands of   Cassie Cage,  the hard-won peace was short-lived Kronika, another one of the Elder Gods went back in time ( Doc Brown will elaborate on what happens when anyone messes with time

 "The encounter could create a time paradox, the result of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe! Granted, the worst-case scenario. The destruction might, in fact, be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy."

Again,  Doc Brown's dead right! With the timeline in complete chaos old and present-day versions of characters start to appear (We interrupt this MK11 review to bring you Sonic Generations *DING*) It was up to Earthrealm's protector,  and his rag-tag team of warriors to fix everything.

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
With the variations system changing the player's physical colors, you can pick which variation suits your impairments best. But it does not have the same of options that Killer Instinct has. On the other hand. during testing, there seemed to be no issues arising when mirror matches are going on.

Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles present. So you can understand what's going on in game, even Johnny Cage's smart @$$ comments.

Mobility  11
As par for the course,  the buttons can be remapped.  On top of that, you can increase or decrease the input delay.  This customizes the amount of time you have to execute special moves usually it's only a few frames until the inputs get reset, losing the inputs you performed in attempts to perform combos or special moves. In games like Mortal Kombat, this would make this game a lot more playable for players with mobility impairments as this evens out the playing field against an able-bodied opponent. We need more of this in fighting games!

Gameplay 10
The story mode is a true testament of how much the series has evolved. With the usual brutal, visceral fighting action you'd expect from a Mortal Kombat game. But this entry takes what's good about its predecessor Mortal Kombat X(L) but cranks it tenfold. The Xray moves can only be performed once per match. So they can't be spammed (like someone you know, Snake!).  In this game, you can create your own custom variation, so you can pick and chose your own move set to create a variation of your dreams.

In terms of a competitive fighter, this game is the cream of the crop.  If you are into competitive fighting games, this is an excellent choice.


this my readers, is how competitive fighting games should be made!

After the tournament was over, the carpets on the foyer were covered in blood stains ripped off limbs, and a load of dead bodies, seriously,  the clear's gonna be p!$$ed... 

*= If you are counting re-releases, collections, and spin-offs, etc.

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