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Wednesday 13 March 2019

Review of Star Wars: Republic Commando(Original Xbox/BC, PC)

Hey, everyone! to kick off Star Wars season [insert Cantina theme here] I decided to review one of the games that is one of the final batch of games that hit the Backwards Compatibility programme. Can Delta Squad take on the Confederacy? or should Delta Squad get back to Courisant?

Let's find out!

Originally released in 2005, you play as the leader of Delta Squad, an elite squad of Republic Clone Troopers, who has been deployed to Geonosis, during the events of Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. It is up to you to load your squad in various missions to take down the Confederacy!

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
There are no colour coded elements that will cause issues for colourblind players so you should be OK with this game. 

Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles present, so you'll be able to understand what's going on in the game

Mobility 6
Legacy layout controls are not present, so best to stick to the PC version which all controls are redefinable.

Gameplay 7
The single-player campaign is very good. You also have two AI-controlled squadmates which you can give orders to, similar to Rainbow Six Vegas. With Multiplayer on console shut down due to the servers being taken offline, that's the only thing that's left! At the time,   bot match modes would have increased this game's lifespan.

This game was released in the exact year that Episode 3 hit cinemas. It would've been epic to have at least a few missions on the battle of the Jedi Temple, even the duration of Order 66. Again, pity.


See you guys on the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Editors note- Apologies for the hiatus, these last few weeks have been pretty stressful, and with the end of the Trimester, things have been pretty much full-on. I appreciate your patience as 
I finish what I started back in 2016. 

this review has been dedicated to my cat, Simba who died a few weeks ago.

You will be missed.

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