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Tuesday 12 February 2019

Ultimate Review Kombat 3(review of Shenmue 1&2 remastered- PC, Xbox One, PS4)

After cleaning the shop after a long day, Robert discovered a pound coin on the floor.
Driven by his thirst for unholy vengeance upon his arch nemesis, Fraser "CRSnake" West he went immediately to the arcade, he found his arch nemesis CRSnake on the Ultimate Review Kombat arcade cabinet, Robert brazenly challenged CRSnake to a match. Of course, Fraser accepted.


After the result of the previous encounter, Robert branded dgr as "Fake news" [insert Donal Trump meme here]  and demanded a rematch. 

For the sake of diplomacy and unity of the dgr community, I accepted. This time, it was Robert's turn to pick.  As you might have guessed by the title, he picked the highest requested rereleases for roughly 10 years, Shenmue 1&2 (took you long enough, SEGA!). It was also CRSnake's turn to predict the scores. He set the prediction to 60% (by my calculations, 24 points).

without further ado

*Robert picks Sub-Zero*
*CRSnake picks Smoke*
*loading stage- Living Forest*



This game was originally released in December 1999
In this game, you play as Ryo Hazuki who's father and mentor has been brutally murdered and it is up to you to find your father's killer and avenge him and reclaim the Dragon Mirror that he stole the night of your father's murder.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 9.5 (CRSnake opens with 5-hit combo)
Although there is no colorblind mode is present. there's no need for one as there are no color-coded elements that will cause issues.

Audibility 10 (CRSnake finishes the first round with an uppercut)
There are full in-game subtitles so you can understand what's been said as the story progresses

Mobility 5(Robert freezes CRSnake and pulls off a devastating 7 hit combo)
The interface is designed around controllers. Unfortunately,  the controls are not redefinable/ To make matters worse, this game uses Tank Controls. Rede my review of Silent Hill for more info on Tank controls work. Link to this is here:

Gameplay 5
Gameplaywise, this game feels linear as you move around the districts talking to various people. There are classic Sega arcade games hidden in the  Arcade, but it has no influence in the story like side-quests in FF7.

In terms of porting to modern hardware, it suffers from the same issue has Onimusha. Only Worse. Similar to Onimusha it uses the same engine as the original Dreamcast, so the game is locked at 30fps. Most remasters would be running at 60, examples of these are Modern Warfare Remastered and Spyro reignited.

In summary, Shenmue 1&2 remastered is a cut-dry case of too much hype but fails to live up to it. Yes, it has the accessibility features,  too bad about the gameplay!

For nostalgia, this hits the spot. But I'd say wait for a sale before buying!



            A close victory for CRSnake but, a victory nonetheless

See you guys in the next review
SpartanCommander1990 out!

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