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Friday 9 November 2018

Review of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD (PS2, PS3 Xbox 360/BC)

Hey everyone! This time I review a classic throwback from the PS2 (PlayStation 2 ) era. So can Konami aquire the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award( it's a perfect replacement for Kojima!). Or will Snake fail at the attempt?

Let's find out!

Right guys. This game was originally intended to be posted on the 5th November as a birthday special, but I had Uni work to contend with (better late than never, eh?).

But, hey I digress.

Originally as a demo included in the original Zone of the Enders released in 2001, the final game was releasing later that year.

The game kicks off after two years after the Shadow Moses incident (Metal Gear Solid 1).

Our stealthy protagonist, Solid Snake joins an anti-Metal Gear group called "Philanthropy". This time he has to investigate rumours of a new Metal Gear developed by the Marines. But an old nemesis had other plans... It is up to you and Raiden to uncover the truth about the Metal Gear project.

The accessibility scores are as follows.


Visibility 11
This game is pretty accessible all cameras and guard's fields of view is highlighted on the radar. If anyone spots you your controller will vibrate. So you will know when you've been spotted.
If that happens I have one piece of advice.....
 You can use the AP sensor to help you find guards as you sneak around the environments. If  there's a guard nearby, your controller will vibrate,  the faster the vibrations the nearer the guard is 

What he said...

Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles so you can understand what's going on as the story progresses.

Mobility 7
This game has no redefinable control layouts, so you're pretty much stuck on one layout. but the controls are mostly easy to pick up and play. It's just the shooting in  first-person mode that causes the issue, At certain points in the game, shooting in first-person  mode is vital for progression. Apart from that, you'll be able to play this game just fine.

Gameplay 10
This game is pretty damn long, for a PS2 game. It's split into two sections Tanker and Plant. With an average  of roughly 13 hours playtime (over double ODST's campaign) source-

With  Easter Eggs to discover (Snake Beater achievment, looking at you!) you'll be playing this for quite a while. With the game now Backwards Compatible, and pretty damn cheap, with MGS3( review comming up soon!) . It's a good game to pick up before the Christmas rush  to buy presents kick in. 


So close to an ultra combo!

See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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