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Tuesday 30 October 2018

dgr Haloween Special- Review of Max Payne (PS2, OG Xbox, PC)

Happy Haloween everyone! To continue the tradition of reviewing games that truly terrified me in the past (and in some cases still does!) I dive into the  200s game library to revisit another game that lifted the bar for third-person shooters at its time.  Can this game scare it's way to the top? or should Max kept undercover? Let's find out!

 Originally released in July 2001 by Finish developer, Remedy Entertainment, a subsidiary of industry behemoths, Rockstar Games, this game is a hybrid of horror/action genres.

You play as Max Payne, an NYPD detective who's family got murdered in cold blood. Turns out that the killers were under the influence of a new hallucinogenic drug, Valkyr, V, which, in my opinion, has disturbing similarities with Lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD).

Max goes undercover to infiltrate the Mafia Mob, and to uncover the truth about Valkyr and to avenge his family.

Shout-out to my best buddy Andrew  "OpenRA" Carpenter for the suggestion.

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
There's very little need for a colourblind mode, as there are no colour-coded elements are present.

Audibility 3
The cutscenes are in the form of Graphic novels so all dialogue is subtitled. But the dialogue in-game is not subtitled.   In certain points in this game, you'll be relying on your sense of hearing to progress, for example, if a key is required the only indicator is Max telling you. Obviously, this is going to be a major issue for colourblind players

Mobility 10
The controls on PC can be redefined, so you'll be able to play this game with relative ease

Gameplay 10
This game is pretty much awesome. The story seemed as though that it is from a crime novel, which makes it pretty exciting the Matrix-style bullet tyle mechanic gives this game a fresh feel to the combat.  The tone of this game gets dark from the very second you press start. The nightmare sequences take the term "Breaking the fourth wall" and take it to a whole new dimension. Seriously, the Omega Flowey battle looks like a timid child in the back of a boy's choir in comparison!

After you've completed the story the first time, you ain't done yet! The
Hard Boiled" and "Dead on Arrival" difficulties make the game more challenging and the "New York Minute" gives a new way to play the game. From the very beginning of the level, you have one minute to complete the level. For extra time, you must kill enemies. This forces you into constant combat. Health, ammo and time management is essential!


Stay safe while out there, tricking or treating tonight

If you need a joke, we got ya covered!

What does a cannibal get when it is late for dinner?

The cold shoulder!

See you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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