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Tuesday 20 November 2018

Review of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2, PS3, 360/BC)

Hi everyone!

As a follow up from the previous review(, which is to commemorate the HD remasters of MGS2 &3to be arriving on backward compatibility on Xbox One. So can Snake infiltrate the Voron  Base (oh wait, sorry wrong, game?) or will Snake get detected in the process?

Let's find out!

Right guys, so you want a second helping of the sweet sweet Metal Gear eh?

We hear ya loud and clear!

as you can probably guess,  after the MGS2 review has been posted, Denny from GAME and Fraser "CRSnake" West wanted more! As  DMX would put it:
"X gon' give it to ya
wait  to get for you  to get it on ya own, X gon deliver it to ya"
This game is set during the Cold War,  our stealthy equal opportunity @$$ kicker,  Solid Snake finds himself in the midst of a Soviet Power struggle, only to find  the very first Metal Gear,   

It is up to you to stop an "Old friend" from taking control of Metal Gear and prevent the world from plunging into Nuclear War(Trump probably would've done so in a few decades later, so no difference!). The accessibility scores are as follows:


Visibility 10
There are no issues arising for colourblind players as there are no colourblind elements in this game. 

Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles present in this game. After all, this is a game we're talking about, not a Pachinko Machine! #[censored]Konami*.

Mobility 10
There are two control layouts. Third person mode, which is the exact same scheme used in MGS Peace Walker, or the normal control mode, which is the exact same control scheme from MGS 1& 2.  For more in-depth information, check out our review of Metal Gear Solid 2(link to it is at the beginning of the review.

Gameplay 10
Before we kick this off, both requestees both hailed this game as "the greatest game ever made". Well, to be honest, I'd disagree with that statement. I'd say Half-Life would deserve that accolade. Yes, there's epic boss fights, but  Half-Life did it better. For example the boss fight in the missile silo, the Gonarch battle etc. 

But, I can say Kojima nailed it. The story is very interesting and engaging, the gameplay is very challenging. Like I said, this game is bundled with MGS2 and very cheap on the Xbox Store this is a recommended purchase, with Christmas right around the corner


  this game is a very serious contender for the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award

 see you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

*= CRSnake put me up to the use of this hashtag and that joke on Konami

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