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Monday 15 October 2018

Star Wars:Battlefront 2 (Xbox One, PS4,PC)

Hey everyone, this time I review a game so controversial the Belgian Government decided to carry out a criminal investigation into the company. So, is the Force strong with EA, or the Belgians?
Let's find out!

Right... let's get this sh!t storm over with!

Have you ever done something stupid, and get caught red-handed in the act? (EA did... Numerous times!).Well, take a wee seat, it's story time!

In my local game store, there is a set of 4 stairs separating the Xbox section to the PlayStation/PC section.

As you may know by now I am an avid PC gamer. I recently upgraded to a GTX 1060(6GB) to that effect. So if I were to be there to purchase Steam credit, I   needed to get up the stairs. The slight issue is that due to my physical I am banned from using the steps. I have to use the adjacent lift to get me up there. Earlier on this month... I kinda got caught red-handed using the stairs!

As punishment for the said offence, I had to purchase a discounted copy (due to National Videogames day), for £20 [Insert toilet flushing sound here] and review this game. 

To be fair. The reason why is because I was falling down while climbing the aforementioned stairs. So the ban was for my own safety, so. I guess that's karma for me, Fair game, gg, Denny no re (good game, no rematch). Or  As the Arctic Monkeys would sing-
"Thrown in a riot van, the coppers kicked him in
There was no way he could win
Just had to take it on the chin."

This game covers the entire Star Wars Saga. Including the Force Awakens, and the last Jedi. You play as a Republic Clone Trooper, Separatist Battle Droid, Rebel, or Resistance Solder, Imperial, or First-Order Storm Trooper and take part in the battles like the Battle for Naboo from Episode 1, the Battle in the first Death Star from Episode 4, and finally, the Battle for Starkiller Base from the Force Awakens.

Before we begin with the accessibility scores, this game will take a substantial 40%  penalty of the overall score. One per cent for every hour of grinding that would take to unlock Luke, Vader etc. Which, in my opinion, should've been unlocked right out the bat. they are some of the most famous Star Wars characters in the franchise's history. [Insert Mario 3-lose a life sound here]. 


Credit to our partner Kenzie "N7" Retro for the info!

The accessibility scores are as follows


Visibility 10
DICE  fails to disappoint in this category, as numerous colourblind modes are available. so you can understand what's going on. 

 Audibility 10
There are in-game subtitles in the campaign and there are on-screen notifications in Multiplayer so you can understand what's going on.

Mobility 10
there's a lot of button and stick layouts to chose from so you can pick and chose what control layouts to chose from. The bug that screwed mobility impaired players over (which took three weeks to fix!). So you will be able to play this game with little to no issues.

Gameplay -8
If you ignore  EA's greedy loot box system this game is actually improved over its prequel. A single-player campaign is present. All eras are present. The originals, the prequels, and the new trilogies are present. Space battles are there. But the Galactic Conquest mode is severely lacking

But the prevalent part of this game is its loot box system. Most progression of this game is tied to loot boxes. You can grind for credits, or just buy loot boxes with real cash. Like I said in my review of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 last season.  This system is very similar to a slot machine in casinos and arcades This is basically simulated gambling., which poses the risk of children gaining a gambling addiction from a very early age.

This brought the Loot box scandal to the attention of the governments of certain countries. On top of that, those loot, boxes contain upgrades for your classes. Therefore advantages over other players. This system, along with Destiny 2's loot box system earned the Et Tu Bute for the biggest backstab at the Bloggies. I could've scored it by far lower.

  OVERALL SCORE (Without penalty)  55%

TOTAL SCORE (with the penalty applied)- 15%


see you guys in the next review!
WSpartanCommander1990 out!


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