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Wednesday 12 September 2018

Review of Tom Clancy's the Division( PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Hey guys! Today I review Ubisoft's flagship MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) So, is this game a Destiny beater, or a Destiny faker (we interrupt this Division review to bring you Sonic Adventure 2 *DING*).

Let's find out!
First up, a little naming and shaming.  A friend of  Fraser "CRSnake" West's. Carrie has requested a Sonic the Fighters Review and wanted me to put poor Fraser's name as the requestee as a troll.

Well, Carrie, first of all, that's identity fraud.., Fraser, in no way, shape or form gave consent for his name to be mentioned in the aforementioned review.

secondly, let me acquaint you one of the fundamental rules of requesting reviews on here.

But, for the record, if you really want a Sonic the Fighters review, I will more than happily oblige, but it will be under your name and your name only. if Fraser gives me the go-ahead, I'll mention his name as well (a 1v1 or free-for-all in Nuketown on Black Ops 2 should do the trick!).

that that aside, onto the review.

In this game, a mysterious virus occurs on the biggest purge of the year, Black Friday (i'm not talking about the mass brawls over a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X, with a 10% discount in Walmart here!) which has killed hundreds of people in New York. Now the various gangs are fighting over control over the streets of the Big Apple. You play an elite JTF (Joint Task Force) agent who is tasked to find a cure for the virus, take out the rival gangs, and restore order.

The accessibility scores are as follows:
Visibility 10
There are numerous colourblind modes that can be changed on the fly so you will be able to play this game with no issues.

Audibility 10
This game has in-game subtitles so you can understand what's going on in the game even when Issac, your ai (Cortana cliche *ding*) informs you of events like your teammates needing reviving more enemies coming at you and your team etc. So you'll be OK with this game.

Mobility 10
There are numerous tick and button layouts to chose from, so you'll be OK with this game.

Gameplay 9          

This is a hybrid of the online elements from Destiny with the intense duck-and-cover based mechanics in a third person perspective of Gears of War. Although the single-player element is lacking, due to the always-online nature of this game.  so, therefore, it is best played with friends.

 the world tier system allows you to make the game as challenging or as easy as you want it to be. Higher world tier means you'll be facing stronger enemies.

the opposite side of the coin is that it allows boosing. If you have high-level friends who have set the game to a high world tier, your friend can easily level you up very quickly for doing absolutely nothing! The story is very long and engaging.
But the combat can be repetitive after a while duck behind cover kill all the enemies in the area, advance forward,, repeat until the mission is complete.

Overall Tom Clancy's The Division is a very unique take on the MMORPG  sub-genre.  If you are looking for a cheap MMORPG to play, because you are saving funds before the hChristmas rush, this could be a great choice.   


See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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