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Tuesday 18 September 2018

Review of Sonic the Flighters(various formats)

Okay, guys! this time I review yet another throwback to the Saturn era.

Can this game obtain the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award?

Let's find out!

Right guys!  let's get this cringe-fest over with!

In 1993 Sega AM2 (not to be confused with the PC  hardware manufacturer, AMD!) released Virtua Fighter for Sega Saturn which was, ineffectively Sega's flagship fighting game franchise.  The next year, it's sequel Virtua Fighter 2 was released for the very same console. This, along with the famous Street Fighter series, brought the genre to the mainstream.


In 1996, three years after Virtua Fighter 2's release, Sega AM2 decided "hey, let's make a VF2 clone with Sonic the Hedgehog in it!"

So this game got released for the Japanese arcades (seriously guys, thank god it didn't come to Sega Saturn!)

Shout-out to Fraser "CRSanake" West who has been desperate  (you trolled me with those lovely photos you took from Ibiza!) his friend, Carrie and Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey for requesting this review. I secretly hate you all!

In this game, Sonic and his friends each have one of the seven chaos emeralds. All of a sudden Dr.Eggman rebuilt the Death Egg again! (and yet, Sonic was somehow, unaware of this *DING*) to get to the Death Egg, everyone built a rocket. But there's one problem. The rockets needed all seven Chaos Emeralds to power it. So a fighting tournament was organised to decide who gets to go to the Death Egg, and kick Eggman's butt!

The accessibility scores are as follows:


Visibility 10
In mirror matches one of the characters becomes greyscale, so you'll be alright with this game.

Audibility 10
There's no spoken dialogue, so no subtitles are required.

Mobility 10
The controls can be customised via the options menu to suit your impairments. 

Gameplay -5
As you can tell I don't like this game.....not one bit!

 The graphics are a joke, even for the Saturn Era. The camera angles are atrocious. The controls are a joke. The game gets boring quicker than those cheap games you'd get in your stockings at Christmas. Everything in this game is just..... flat-out wrong! 
Hey, I thought Duke Nukem Forever was the worst game in existence! A classic example of how not to design a fighting game.  


In summary, Sonic the Fighters is very accessible... Shame about the actual game itself! If you are looking for a decent fighting game, you might want to avoid this game. You'd get better value for money buying loot boxes in Battlefront 2 (the EA version).


For making me review this the dgr court sentences you life imprisonment.... In Nova Prospekt!

see you guys in the next review

SpsartanCommander1990 out!

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