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Monday 6 August 2018

Review of StarFox Adventures (GC)

Hey everyone! Today  I review another game I remember playing before my accident. So can Fox claim that all-important Fulgore Award? Let's find out!

Right guys, today (date of posting) is the eve of the 14th anniversary of my fall in 2004. To mark the occasion, I decided to continue the tradition of reviewing a game that  I remember playing both before and  shortly after my accident.

The game takes place eight years after the events of StarFox 64 (Lylat Wars in the UK/EU). Krystal receives a mysterious distress call from Dinosaur Planet. She then meets the main antagonist of the series, General Scales of the SharpClaw clan.  To make matters worse, Scales has stolen for spell stones from four force-point temples. This has caused the planet to break apart. It is up to Fox to restore the planet and unravel the mystery of the Krazoa.

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility  10
All objects in the world Fox can interact with has a small A button icon above it indicating you can interact with it. If an enemy comes at you, a heart icon will appear above its head. As the enemy takes damage more and more of the icon becomes transparent so you can play this game with no issues.

Audibility 7
This game has subtitles as standard. So you'll be OK with this game. But here's the problem. Each character has a unique colour of subtitle. If you are colourblind, how can you tell who said it?

Mobility 8
This game has no redefinable controls and using your abilities can be tricky (pun not intended). You have to use the c-stick to scroll through the menus. You can bind an action to Y for instant access. Similar to the Legend of Zelda series, there are on-screen prompts on the top-right of the screen showing you what the A and B buttons do.

This is good but not good enough for ten!

Gameplay 10
This game is pretty long, for a GameCube game. It's very reminiscent to the Legend of Zelda games in terms of The plot and the combat. Fox has to collect Spell Stones, which is kinda similar to the Elemental Stones from Ocarina of time. The flying sections, however still retain the good ol' StarFox vibe!  If you're a fan of the Zelda series,  you will love this game. The story is immersive and engaging, the soundtrack is epic! listen to an extract!

In summary, StarFox Adventures is a refreshing break from the same old story over, and over again, with an entirely different kind of game. In my opinion, this game is extremely underrated.


 As I said before this marks the 14th anniversary of my accident. as a mark of respect, no reviews will be posted tomorrow. We'll be back on the 8th!

see you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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