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Sunday 5 August 2018

Review of Red Faction Guerilla re-Marstered(PC, PS4, Xbox One)

Hi everyone! to kick off the new Sci-Fi season 2.0, August Covenant, I review an all-time classic from the 360 era, can Alex Mason and his rebels take on Sonic Mania? let's find out!

Right guys! After much discussion in GAME( and a Black Ops 4 T-shirt*), the staff and I have made amends, so to settle our accounts (metaphorically speaking) I have promised this review.

A promise is a promise... so let's get to it!

The EDF (Earth Defence Force) has imposed martial law on Mars after rich mineral deposits were found beneath the Martian surface and tried to force the colonists off the land (pretty much what Trump did on the Maine Estate in Aberdeenshire). 

Shortly after that, Alex Mason's brother Daniel joined the Rebellious Red Faction. When Alex arrived on Mars, Daniel got murdered in cold blood it is up to you to lead the Red Faction in the efforts to force the EDF to pull out. The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 9
In the single-player campaign the colour scheme colourblind friendly enough. Yellow indicates friendly colonists, while red indicates soldiers of your oppressors, the EDF! If they are on to you the icon to the top-right of your radar will flash yellow to red. When you are  no longer considered a felon the icon will show a solid green
 But it's the multiplayer element of this game that is the source of the issues. With multiplayer, the teams are red and blue.

I understand that this contrast doesn't hit colourblind players as hard as red and green. But it still needs addressing nonetheless!       

Audibility 10
This game has subtitles so you can understand what's going on in the story as it progresses.

Mobility 10.5
There's a lot of alternate control options available both on the buttons and on the sticks.

 On the PC version, the controls can be fully customised, and there's controller support available. Although the same can't be said for the consoles, hence the half point deduction.

Gameplay 10
This game is from an extremely rare breed- the single-player focused game, with the exception of the Fallout games, this kind of games are very hard to come by. Most shooters like Fortnite, Call of Duty and Halo are very lacking in the single-player department.

This game plays a lot like Rockstar North's Grand Theft Auto games you can drive around Mars. If you destroy EDF property, crash into their vehicles, the EDF will start chasing you, in the exact same way that the police would in the GTA games. Even the open-world feeling of GTA still resonates in this game. 

Previous Red Faction games were very famous for their Geo-Mod technology i.e. The ability to destroy practically much everything in the environment. Can't find a key to a door? grab some explosives or a Rocket Launcher, blow a hole in the wall and create your own door!

In this game, the destruction physics can't be more realistic. if you destroy the key supports to a building, the entire building collapses.

 EA's Frostbite Engine used in the  Battlefield games shows a more-or-less a copy/paste job of this. But this game did it first!

In summary, Red Faction Guerilla is a very good GTA-style, sandbox game. As I said earlier on, this game focuses on the single-player experience, which is very hard to come by these days. So if you are looking for a game to play over the closing few weeks of the summer, before the AAA releases like Battlefield 5 & Red Dead Redemption 2, this game could be a wise purchase.


see you guys in the next review
SpartanCommander1990 out!

*=Single Player campaign not included, additional charge for loot boxes may apply for additional weapon skins, characters for the overly cliched Battle Royale Mode, Blackout. (ahh Activision, why do you tick us off like this?),   

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