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Saturday 4 August 2018

Review of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown (Xbox 360, PS3)

Hey guys! Today I review the latest rendition of SEGA's flagship fighting game series, can Akira take Sonic down and earn glory? Let's find out!

Before we start this review, a little heart-to-heart. First things first, I enjoy doing these reviews for you guys,. But we do these in our own space, in our own time. Therefore to our own schedule. This is very much commonplace practice for volunteers, especially in Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs).

Aggression, belligerence and threatening behaviour towards our staff will not make the reviews you request go any faster, so please be patent, and respect our staff when making requests.
Right guys, I was planning to review Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mastered. But today's events changed everything.

I went into my local GAME  to get a Groudon for Pokemon Moon. As soon as I entered the shop, a person behind the counter (you know who you are)  harassed me about a review of the aforementioned game " where's my review!?" and threatened to outright ban me from the store if i didn't get it posted

The reason behind this was because I bought a 2tb hard drive from CEX across the road. I even had to lie about this blog's deletion just to get him off my case!

I, therefore, decided to comply with CRSnake's request with a review of this game. He has been waiting longer and has been very patient and respectful about it.

SRSnake also has a message for you.

his words, not mine

The game is centred around the fifth World Fighter Tournament (Street Fighter cliche *DING*).

The scientists at J6 corporation is developing an ultimate fighting machine, codenamed V-Dural.
(the Dreamcast was under various codenames, Dural was one of them. Coincidence, or the illusion of coincidence?). So as pretty much a beta test, they decided to enter Dural into the tournament along with seasoned veterans like Kage Maru, Jacky Bryant and his sister, Sarah, and newcomers like El Blaze.

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
Every character has two costumes which can be switched by holding start & pressing A. So you will be able to play this game with very little issues.

Audibility 8
There are no subtitles, but it makes little difference, as there is no story mode the only spoken dialogue is happening before a fight begins. so playing this game should be relatively easy.

Mobility 10
The controls are easily redefined via the options menu GG Sega!     

Gameplay 7
This game is very dependent on playing online. As I said above this game has no story mode, only arcade mode, So single-player content is somewhat lacking. So if you have a few friends who own this game, by all means, buy, if not, best to give this game a miss. But, for a fighting game, it's actually pretty decent! I find playing this game a lot of fun, even when I'm up against Snake!

So, all in all, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is a pretty good game for fighting game purists, This game is very faithful to the original title, for the 32X released in 1993. But it's lack of sing;e-player content and lack of subtitles allowed Sonic to take the win by a fair margin


See you guys in the next review
SparrtanCommander1990 out!

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