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Friday 29 June 2018

Review of Sonic Forces (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

Rollin' around at the speed of sound! Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow! (bet you were singing along in your head!)

This time I review the latest game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Can  The Resistance fight off Ultratech corp? and steal the Fulgore award? Let's find out!

Have you ever had a little flutter on the footy? maybe putting a pound or two for your favourite team to win? Well, this is the very reason why this review exists!

The past few days were hectic here in Disabled Gaming Reviews. Shortly after my previous review (Half-life) the biggest wallet and bank balance killer, the Steam Summer Sale. In amongst the various purchases I made, was Sonic Forces. As soon as I let the requestees, Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey and his fiancee Georgie "|Twisted Treeline" Rowland know. They requested the review immediately. But one slight problem... Fraser "CRSnake" west wanted a review of Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition. He tried every trick in his book. Challenging me to  1v1 Nuketown battles on BlackOps 2 challenges to Mortal Kombat X. Everything

 But Tom, on the other hand, hope one must card to play. During the England Panama match at the World Cup, he threw down the gauntlet! If England were to win I would review this game. If England were to have pulled off the biggest screw-up since the US election I would be reviewing Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition as the final whistle sounded in Russia it was 6 –1 England. Well, I'll let you put two and two together.

Image result for Double facepalm
Once again, disabled Gaming reviews were at the epicentre of another argument! Seriously guys, why do I always get dragged into this! 

Anyway, onto the review!

Well looks as though Doctor Eggman actually pulled it off! He's been able to capture the majority of the planet (Mobius) while working with an unknown entity called Infinite. Sonic and his crew have formed the resistance to try to take the planner back. Your OC (Original Character) is to live with themselves with resistance forces to take the planet back!

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
this game has no colour blind mode, but there's no need for one! Everyone on the screen is your enemy! So you'll be able to play this game with minimal to no issues.

Audibility 10
this game has in-game subtitles during cutscenes and during stages, portraits of the character who said it will also be displayed, so you'll be able to understand what's going on during the story as it progresses.

Mobility 9
You can't change the controls on the console versions, the controller should be easy enough to understand. You played Sonic Generations before you will encounter no problems, as to control scheme used in the game is exactly the same! After all, it is from the exact same developer.

Gameplay 8
this game, is actually pretty decent, especially for a Sonic game! One of the biggest criticisms that I had for  Sonic Generations was was that it was too damn short! This game's length, on the other hand, is a fair bit longer than Generations. But on the other hand, the basic DNA of a sonic game has changed. Not exactly for the better! The amount of lives that you have any stage is infinite, which makes playing through the game a little too easy!

On the other hand, there are three playable characters. Similar to Generations, you have both Classic and Modern Sonic on the roster. In this game, you create your own character to be used in this story! You can customise the character species, appearance and weapon. As you complete the game's various challenges more and more items become available for your character, but, every time you start a new game these customisation options disappear, therefore you have very little excuse to play the game again after it's been completed!

In summary, Sonic Forces is not exactly the game that you expect from the makers of Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations. If you were to been given the choice of Sonic Mania, and Sonic Forces, I would probably go for Mania!


and Killer Instinct remains on top spot!
Okay, Jago, I challenge you to...... a game of tennis!

Not exactly the tennis I had in mind. But hell.... Close enough!

see you guys in the next review!

Spartancommander1990 out!

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