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Wednesday 4 July 2018

Review of Virtua Tennis 4 (360/PC/PS3)

Hi everyone! To commemorate the Wimbledon Championship I have decided to review the reboot of a well-established Tennis game, Can this game cause a Grand Slam and take the trophy? or will Sega get knocked out in the Quarter Finals by Jago? Let's find out!

"I James Rank pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United  States of America and to the Republic which it stands. One Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all"    

First up, Happy Independence day to all my readers from the USA.

Secondly, a shout-out to our street's Tennis expert, Gill "Mithrandir" Murray for the request (Wait a second, wizards can play Tennis!?).
In this game, you create your own Professional Tennis player who has to climb the ranks and become the very best (like no one ever was!)  Tennis player.

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
You can pick which colour of shirt your player is wearing, you can also change which way the camera is facing with a simple touch of a button so you can understand who is controlling what character. So you'll be OK with this game.

Audibility 10
This game has no spoken dialogue except for "fifteen Love", But the scores are displayed on-screen like a televised match. All other dialogue is text-based. So you'll be OK with this game

Mobility 11
This game can be played using a controller or Keyboard on PC. The keyboard controls can be redefined. The controller layouts cannot. But there are multiple layouts to choose from.

So you should be able to play this game with no issues.

Gameplay 9
This game can be repetitive after a few tournaments. With no way for your created player to be carried over from one playthrough to another, there is a very little excuse to play this game again after it's been completed.

In summary, this game is probably the best Tennis game there is. But the short lifespan


Ties with KI. Right Ultratech, it's time to start a revolution on your rule!

see you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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