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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Review of Okami HD (PS2, Xbox One, PS4, PC)

Okay, guys! the last lap before the Bloggies! This time I review one of the last few releases of the PS2!

Originally released in 2006 for the highly successful PS2, later ported onto the Wii, now remastered on the PS4, PC and  Xbox One.

This game takes place in the fictional, oriental land of Nippon. The three-headed demon Orochi  attacked the land turning entire towns and cities into darkness, turning their inhabitants into statues
 (Medusa cliche *DING*). You play as Amaterasu, goddess of the Sun who has to restore light and order to Nippon! The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
There are no colour coded elements that will pose a problem for colourblind players. You'll be fine with this game.

Audibility 10
There's no spoken dialogue, so it's all text-based. So you can understand what's going on in the story.

Mobility 10
The controls are very easy to understand and grasp. But redefinable controls would be great.

Gameplay 10
The blog's biggest fan on the Twitch community i1988Ookami ( says that this game is "the best game ever made". Well, I'd say that's debatable. It may be the best game made on the PS2. Capcom made excellent use of the PS2's limited hardware capacity compared to modern day consoles. The traditional Japanese art style graphics limits the draw distance, keeping the framerate constant ( a rather clever trick originally used by Konami in Silent Hills 1 and 2).

This game looks breathtaking when you have a PS4 Pro, Xbox One X or a decent 4K ready GPU (Graphics card) installed on your PC.

The story is very interesting, and the soundtrack fits the far eastern theme mythological theme perfectly


As I said earlier this game was the last few games released for the PS2. All I can say is that Capcom certainly saved the best until last!


ANOTHER ULTRA COMBO!  this game is a definite nomination for the Bloggies!

this concludes the 2016/17 season

SpartanCommander1990 out, and I'll see you guys at the Bloggies!

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