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Saturday 27 January 2018

Disabled Gaming Reviews Awards 2017- the Nominations

Well, guys! it's that time of year again!  This time, I'm going to run down the nominations for the Bloggies 2017, who will be shortlisted? let's find out!

Okay, guys!This year has been a good year for the gaming industry as a whole. We have seen the underdogs of the industry, Nintendo releasing their portable/home console hybrid, the Switch, we've seen Microsoft silencing their critics with their newest iteration of the Xbox One family to go toe-to-toe with Sony, the One X.  But enough of the reflection! on with the nominations!

FULGORE AWARD                                                                                                   

Sonic Mania (

This game has been the most anticipated, and most requested (eight times!)review. This game has been described by Kenzie"N7" Retro as a "Love letter" from the company to the fans.

As a matter an of fact, this game as been developed by the fans themselves!  the developers are responsible for very promising fan remakes like Sonic 2 HD, and the port of the SEGA CD classic Sonic CD (FUN FACT- did you know that that game was ORIGINALLY  was to become Sonic 2 until Sega of America denied it?) 

Tekken 7(

One of Kenzie's wildcards.

After the utter disappointment that was Street Fighter 5(no Arcade Mode, Guile, Sagat etc was available at launch, failing to mention it was not even released on Xbox One) this game revived the fighting game genre, rising from the flames that was SF5's cremation, like a phoenix and, in my opinion, this game is the genre's redemption. In short, this is the best fighting game of this year in my opinion.

Quake Champions(

Throughout the gaming industry's history, the Quake series has been very well known casually and competitively, this year Zenimax released another iteration of this highly successful series, Quake Champions.

This game retains the fast-paced, in-your-face, balls-to-the-wall style of gameplay that Quake 3: Arena was well-known for. With the inclusion of MOBA style elements with its champions system, this game perfectly blends the old-school arena shooter style while modernising it, best of both! Speaking of which...


Blizzard's take on Team Fortress 2. This game is a hell of a lot of fun to play and as always, Blizzard takes accessibility in games very seriously! this game has its own dedicated area in the Options Menu for accessibility. With native controller support for the PC version, this is the best, most accessible shooter I've played in a long time!


SATORU IWATA MEMORIAL AWARD                                                                             

“On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.”
-Satoru Iwata(1959-2015)

Jazz Jacrabbit 2(

Although this game can be described as a rip off from Sonic. 

This game's prequel kicked off Cliff Bleszinski's career in game development.Like I said in my review, Jazz was the PC's mascot. With its revival on, you should be able to pick this up. With the level editor, online play, thanks to You'd be crazy not to a least try it! 

Sonic Advance 3(

Playing this game on my commute home taught me the true meaning of the word nostalgia. 

As I said before this game was released exactly 1 month, 29 days before my accident. I remember playing this game going to my family's wedding, this game saw me through the entirety of my hospital stay. For a Sonic game, this is very good! This game has plenty of lifespan, while adding exploration mechanics thrown into the mix.

Star Wars Battlefront 2(2005) ( 

this game has been hailed as the best Star Wars game ever.

 You know what, I think I can agree on that. In short, this game is the 2017 reboot as it should have been! no predatory loot box system, more heroes, modes, Galactic Conquest, to make a few. With online multiplayer support returning on PC, and a host of mods available online, you'll love this game if you're into the Star Wars franchise

Deytona USA(

This one's another one on Kenzie's wildcards

This game is a classic on the Sega Saturn is one of the very few games that the Sega Saturn was famous for. This game is extremely addictive. The soundtrack was so famous, they added a karaoke mode for the game. This game was the precursor to other racers, like Sega Manx TT Superbike, and Sega Rally, so it's influence can not be understated.

Okami HD(

Last but certainly not least we have Okami HD.

 As I said in my review this was the last few games released on the Sony PS2. Credit to CAPCOM,  they really have pulled it off! The music fits the Japanese mythological theme very well. The draw distance allowed the game to use the PS2's hardware effectively. With the game remastered for PS4, PC and Xbox One, you can enjoy this game.

WOODEN SPOON AWARD                                                                         


another one of Kenzie's wildcards

Being honest, I find it hard to believe this game is being developed by John Carmack! This game lacks basic subtitles, the horror element is somewhat lacking, and the multiplayer element is mediocre at best. To be honest Dwayne Johnson should've  given the developers at Bethesda a Rock Bottom for this game.

Tomb Raider 2(

Nothing personal, Rob!

But this game's static level design, reliance on your sense of hearing, and no subtitles makes this game very inaccessible to play on PC. The generic design of the levels makes this game a chore to play.

Team Fortress 2(

Looks like Reinhart smaked Heavy down with his charge, nicked his sandvich, and ate it. With Heavy watching every mouthful! This game's poor controller support. In this case, you can't change the stick layouts on the console versions making this game a chore to play.The lack of additional content, and a predatorial loot box system in place, this game had to be at least a nomination!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein(

Last but not least we have Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This game has no controller support, no subtitles and pretty shoddy multiplayer. As Rob said this game is way too difficult to play. At certain points, this game forces you to cheat to get past certain levels!

Again, nothing personal, Rob.

 ET TU BRUTE AWARD                                                                      

 A new category of the bloggies. Instead of renaming the negative award to the comany that p!$$ed us off most that particular year. As the name suggests, this award names and shames the biggest b@ck st@bbing b@stards in the gaming industry this year


Okay! first off, Visceral games!

EA has a very bad habit of screwing companies over, casualties include:
  • Makers of Command and Conquer, Westwood Studios
  • Makes of the classic Battlefront series Pandemic Studios
Now, this- Visceral games was responsible for the development of Battlefield: Hardline. Now I think Hardline is not that bad a game, and the Dead Space series hailed as the successor to System Shock. With EA's acquisition of Respawn Entertainment quite possibly certain death to the company and the Titqanfall series.


This is the second time EA has screwed up this year. 

When we heard that  Battlefront 2 had no Season Pass, everyone thought EA turned over a new leaf. Boy, we were wrong.  This game has a pay-to-win loot box system allowing players to take a shortcut to more powerful weapons with a simple swipe of a credit card, giving players a significant advantage over the people who refused to pay extra on top of the game's $60 retail price. 

The controversy went so far, it attracted the Belgian government, banning the game outright due to their anti-gambling laws. As I said this opens the door for people to gain a gambling addiction. As for the fanbase's reaction. I'll let this video speak for itself


I'll just leave it at that...


talking about a fall from grace. from a nominee of the Fulgore Award to shamed as one of the biggest b@ck st@bs in gaming!

Days before Sonic Mania's release on all platforms Sega announced a two-week delay for the PC version. They said that it was for "optimisation". It proved to be for a more darker purpose. It was for the implementation of a second-party DRM software called "Denuvo". This has been classified as malware. Firstly it destroys solid-state drives due to its constant encryption and decryption of data.

Denuvo has also been classed as Widow Software. When you uninstall a piece of software, it would be a basic principle for everything in the software ton be outright removed (thanks for the info Gil!)
Widow Software means that the software is still in place after the software's removal. To make matters worse, it is a legal requirement under the Consumer Rights Act, 2015 all aspects of the product you are buying has to be displayed clearly. When Sonic Mania was released Deneuvo's implementation was not noted on the game's Steam Store Page, so the above legislation was breached.

Finally, when the game got delayed, a copy of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Genisis/Mega Drive was offered to players for free as compensation. But this locked people from getting consumer's copies refunded, as they see the copies of Sonic 1 for the Genisis and the two-week delay as a loophole in Steam's refund policy. Again, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 has been breached. It states that if the product you are buying is unsatisfactory, you have the right to exchange the product you bought for a refund of the product's retail price. They don't call me an HND graduate in Business Admin for nothin' *winks*).


The final Kenzie Retro's wildcards.

Remember a time when YouTube operated with an open mind? remember when YouTubers made a living off adverting revenue? Well, not anymore! This happened when companies pulled out of YouTube and took that advertising revenue with them. 

This has led to a lot of YouTube videos becoming demonetised which meant advertisers are gaining extra money off the content they did not make. As an effect of this, a lot of YouTubers including our former partners at DreamChaser Entertainment quitting the site.

The way I see it, it's an attack by the big corporations on free speech on the internet. Freedom of speech and censorship is labelled as the foundation of modern day society. Now YouTube now basically has extremely tight restrictions on what the YouTube community says or does during videos, which I find downright unacceptable.

UPDATE: Our partner, Kenzie Retro would like to take this opportunity to announce, that he will return to YouTube at another time after some self discovery.

With  the nominations out the way, i'll see you guys on 2nd February when i announce the winners     

        SpartanCommander1990 out!

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