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Thursday 1 February 2018

Disabled gaming reviews awards 2017 – the winners!

Okay, guys! The wait is officially over!

Today I officially announced the winners of the disabled gaming reviews rewards 2017. If you haven't read my nominations post yet, please use this link to do so.

Now, without further delay, let's get right into it!

FULGORE AWARD                                                                                                                                                                                      

To take things off, we will start off with the Fulgore Award, the high-scoring most accessible modern (Xbox 360 era and are up) game.

The nominations of the Fulgore Award are:

  • Sonic Mania
  • Quake Champions
  • Tekken 7
  • Overwatch
aaaannndd the winner is...

Sonic Mania!

Now, What can I say about sonic Mania that already has been said? We have been waiting over a decade for a decent Sonic Game, and all thanks to Christine Whitehead Games, West Pagoda Games, and HeadCannon, we have finally been given a true successor to the classic Sonic games on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. As I said in my nominations paused, this game was developed by the same developers of the notable fan-made games, for example, Sonic 2 HD. This game has also been receiving enhancements for Microsoft's new console, Xbox One X.

Overwatch is extremely accessible and fun to play, but the reason why I have put this game second will be explained later in the post. Or as our partner, Kenzie retro would put it "oh, will get to that later!"

    SATORU IWATA MEMORIAL AWARD                                                                   

On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.”
-Satoru Iwata(1959-2015)

This award category commemorates the high-scoring, most accessible retro (PS2 year and backward) game. A game so good it truly lives up to the Iwata Name. The nominations for this category are as follows:

  • Sonic Advance 3
  • Jazz Jackrabbit 2
  • Okami HD
  • Daytona USA

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005)

aaaannndd the winner is...

Okami HD

As I said in my review, this game is the last few releases for the legendary PlayStation 2. This game looks even better in 1440p (4K) resolution.
The game is massive with exploration elements put in place. Without a doubt, this game is nothing short than legendary (Halo pun not intended). If you haven't played this game before, as Emperor Palpatine would put it...

(No Jedi were harmed, or killed in the dictation of this blog post)

  WOODEN SPOON AWARD                                                                                          

Oh, how ironic I chose Senator Palpatine for the last one!

Now we have honoured the winners. Now it's time for the dgr equivalent of the Magaluf Walk of Shame (Google it)

This category name and shames the least accessible, worst scoring game of the year. The nominees of this category are as follows

  • Doom 3 BFG Edition
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Tomb Raider 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

aaaaannnddd the winner (or loser) is......

Doom 3: BFG Edition

Even the Doom movie is better than that! The plot is very plagiarised from Half-Life. It's not even scary! The multiplayer is somewhat lacking, there are no subtitles, no controller support. Like I said before, it's hard to believe John Carmack led the development of this game.

This is the second year in a row Bethesda has inherited the Wooden Spoon Award.

ET TU BRUTE AWARD                                                                 

Well, guys, we have seen quite a few backstabs this year, this new category dishonours those evil and twisted companies The nominations for this award are

  • EA's closure of Visceral games
  • EA's Loot Box system in Battlefront 2 (2017)
  • Youtube's ad-pocalypse
  •    Sonic Mania's Launch Disaster on PC (Deneuvo) 

aaannd the biggest backstab of the year is.....

EA's predatory loot box system!

2017 was the year that Loot Boxes came to the attention of the public.  It is present in Blizzard's Overwatch, the loot box system in Destiny 2 is very predatory. But it was Battlefront 2's that was the worst. Progress was dependent on this system. It will take you countless hours to unlock Darth Vader
or just a simple swipe of a credit card. Like I said in my Jazz Jackrabbit 2 review, This is exactly how slot machines work, milking as much money from the community as possible. This also opens the door for a cghild to gain an addiction to gambling

The situation has gotten so far out of hand the Belgian government outright banning this game due to it's anti-gambling laws. I was going to make the Ad-pocalypse the winner outright... but with EA bringing back those loot boxes in a matter of weeks, I just had to label this as the winner!

On that bombshell, this concludes the 2017 bloggies, see you guys next season!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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