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Wednesday 27 December 2017

Review of Doom 3:BFG Edition (PC, 360/BC)

Hi guys! today I review the third entry in the Doom series. Can this game continue the success of it's predecessors? let's find out!

First thing's first, apologies for the hiatus, i have been though quite a tough time over the Christmas period. But the whole situation has been resolved. So it's back to business as usual!

In this game, you play as the equal-opportunity @$$ kicker, the DoomGuy AKA  DoomSlayer who has been reassigned to the United Aerospace Corporation (UAC) base in Mars, an experiment  goes wrong, which opened a portal to hell, it is up to you to halt the daemonic invasion before they get close to Earth! The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
There is no color coded elements in this game, instead of having color coded keys,  as you  progress through the game, you'll be given certain levels of access will be granted to you, allowing you access to certain doors. So you'll be OK with this game

Audibility 0

No subtitles are present in this game, avoid this game like the plague!

Mobility 5
You can redefine  the controls  using the keyboard + mouse, and there's game pad support, But there's one major problem- there's no way to change analogue stick layouts. This issue is also present in the console version!   A mobility impaired player's worst nightmare!

Gameplay 7

Make no mistake. This game is unique. Not in a good way.   In normal Doom games, the action picks up straight from the start. Not in this game. The action does not pick up until after the experiment has  goes wrong! Very  reminiscent of Half Life.

The multiplayer is mediocre at best.

But the amount of content you'll be receiving is well worth it! It contains:

  • A remastered version of Doom 3
  • The Resurrection of Evil expansion
  •   The Ultimate Doom
  • Doom 2:Hell on Earth

So there's enough content for you to enjoy. But in truth, you'd better off getting the newest Doom game.


see tyou guys in the next review! 

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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