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Wednesday 6 December 2017

Review Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (PC)

Right guys! Today i review a game that i used to play when i was a kid! Can this game dupe Sonic Advance 3, robbing Sonic of his double crown? let's find out!

Right guys, to kick off  thye review- An angry rant.

November 17th, 2017, Electronic Arts released one of, if not  the year's most anticipated games, Star Wars Battlefront 2. Upon release, the game featured a  loot crate system, whioch progression of the game was based on.  You paid money to purchase loot boxes. The items in the boxes were chosen at random. To me, this is very similar to a slot machine works.

The main problem is Star Wars is owned by Disney, the producers of family friendly films such as the Lion King and the Beauty and the Beast. So you'd normally associate with the Star Wars films as "Kid Friendly, right?

Tell me this- Would you allow your kid to play  at a fruit machine in a casino, or arcade?  if so, how can you justify your kid to get a gambling addiction from a very early age? 

As a response to this the Star Wars Battlefront 2 review has been flat-out cancelled.

Anyway onto the review!

  the late 90s fornats had their own mascot charachters

Sega had Sonic the Hedgehog

Nintendo had Mario

and the PC Gaming ma-err Community had Jazz Jackrabbit.

The game's plot kicks off where the first one left off

Devan Shell and his Turtle Terrorists  has been defeated by Jazz. Eva Earlong has been rescued, and due to marry. One problem. Devan nicked Eva's wedding ring! So it is up to our protagonist Jazz, his brother, Spaz. and his sister Lola to find Devan, take back the ring, so Jazz can marry his sweetheart!

The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10

There is no color coded elements that will pose problems to colourblind people. So you'll be OK

Audibility 10

There's  no spoken dialogue, so the tutorial messages are text based. So you'll be OK with this game

Mobility 10
You can define the controls on the keyboard. You can play this game with a controller, which can be refined  via the options menu

Gameplay 10

With 6 episodes to play, this game is very long, if you enjoy  the classic 2D platformers, you'll love this game!

What makes this game unique is your character has the ability to shoot. As you progress through the game,  more weapons are available to you.  the range from fast fire blasters, rocket lauchers, flamethrowers and so on. Plus you can play mukltiplayer via split-screen. This game also has a built-in level editor, so you can build and design your own levels, so the fun never stops.

You can buy this game on GOG cheap. So, if you are looking for a cheap game to buy or gift through the festive period, this game is for you!


Another Ultra combo! this has got to be a nomination for the Satoru Iwata Memorial award

See you guys in the next review!

Spartancommander1990 out!


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