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Friday 28 July 2017

Review of Medieval 2 (PSX)

Hi guys! today i review   a throwback from the PlayStation days. So can Daniel Fortesque  storm the Stronghold? or will it be like the French Taunting scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail?

Let's find out!

In this game you play as Sir Daniel Fortesue, who has been resurrected from the dead(AGAIN) who has to go around Victorian London (we interrupt this review to bring you Assassin's Creed Syndicate *DING*)  as you hunt down the evil Zarok Gallowmere, who murdered you twice and prevent London being overrun by the undead (Left 4 Dead cliche *DING*)

The accessibility scores are as follows

Audibility 10
The in-game dialogue is subtitled so you can  understand what's going on in the story.

Visibility 10
All on-screen elements are not color coded, so you will be able to play this game easily with no problems whatsoever as no colourblind modes are needed.

Also similar to  other PlayStation-era platformers, for example, Spyro, Jak and Daxter,  your character is on the center of the screen and all other characters on the screen is foe. So you can play this game with no issues

Mobility 6
The controls in this game can be tricky to use, and are no customization options . This can create a problem with players with visual impairments .

For example you have to use L1 AND square together just to change your weapon! Although the PSX controller is slightly smaller than the Xbox One Controller, it doesn't quite cut the mustard for a perfect ten!

Gameplay 8

This game is again, a very run-of-the-mill platformer for the PlayStation Era. In Jak and Daxter, you hunt for Power Cells in order to progress. In Spyro, you are hunting  down dragon statues. In this game, you are hunting down pages of a book of spells. This can be monotonous as the game goes on.
The combat is very remiscent of Dynasty Warriors(pressing one button over and over) which  also does make the game a little repetitive. But it's still quite a fun platformer nonetheless!


See you guys in the next review!

SpartanCommander1990 out!

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