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Thursday 6 April 2017

Review of Full Spectrum Warrior(xbox, PS2, PC)

Oorah guys! To kick off the run-up to the release of StarCraft Remastered, dgr is Oscar Mike to review a throwback to the PS2 era! so can SpartanCommander leads his forces to victory? or is he comming a body bag! let's do this!

In this game your squads have been deployed to a conflict in a fictional rebel-held country called Zeekistan. It will be up to you to load those fireteams through a variety of missions. The accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
This game has a colorblind friendly scheme by default. When a team is not in combat the squads name will be displayed in orange, when the team is under fire it will flash red. So you  can keep tabs in the heat of battle.

Audibility 10
There's captioned subtitles in-game so if any one of your soldiers say "squad under fire!" seven the soldier's sm@rt @$$ comments to add humor to the game is subtitled, but cant be censored  you will know what has been said. So hearing impaired players can play this game easily.

Mobility 10
In the PC version you can control the squads with the mouse or keyboard. And the keyboard ccontrols can be redefined. So you can customize the controls to suit your impairments. So you can play thids game very easily.

Gameplay 10
If you are into stategy games like Endwar, you'll love this game. This game is so realistic, the US Army used this game to train troopsfor operations in urban terrain. This game is very unforgiving. If you make a mistake like one of your squads running across streets blindly,  a member of your team will get injured. Or worse-killed( Snake, what happened!? Snake? SNNNAAAKKKEE!!!).

 For success in this game you'll have to master advanced tactics like flanking  and moving from cover-to-cover. You can buy this game on GOG with the Ten Hammers expansion pretty cheaply. A great addition for a stategy game fan's collection. You don't need a high-powered PC to run this. So no excuses soldier!


This hgame is very fun to play, but can be r@ge inducing(like the Impossible game,but a lot easier) A well Deserved Ultra Combo.

see you guys in the next review!
SpartanCommander1990 out!

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