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Wednesday 29 March 2017

Review of Legend of Zelda: a Link in time (SNES)

Hi guys! we were going to start  the Sci-Fi Strategy season. But i got a call from Doc Brown. His DeLorean broke down (Kisama! Japanese-English translation- "damn it!") seriously guys, don't buy them! too unrelable! So we had to switch to Plan B: Travel to Hyrule, find the Hero of Time, Link and travel to the future via the Master Sword. Can SpartanCommander1990 (Formerly known as Segafan1990) achieve this? let's find out!

Right guys, this review  is to coincide with MegaBytes' Zelda event. In this game, Link receives a telepathic message from Zelda, who has been captured (again) by the Dark Wizard Aganhim (yare yare daze). It was up to link to defeat this evil entity and save Hyrule (again)  the accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
In a dungeon, everyone but link are foe, so you'll know who to hack and slash your way through, and who can help you.

Audibility 10
 for an SNES game, there's no spoken dialogue,  the dialogue is text-based. So your imagination can do the rest!

Mobility 8
You can't change the control scheme, like  a Link to the past, But the size of the SNES  controller  should compensate for that shortcoming. But the d-pad style layout of the SNES controller makes moving around very difficult.

Gameplay 9
For a Zelda game this  game is pretty decent. It continues the classic,old-school layout from Link's awakening. So if you've played a Zelda game before you'll love playing this game. But the majority of the time you'll be spending will be wandering aimlessly through the dungeons in the game. So get those Youtube Walthroughs  ready, guys!A good game for your SNES collection (if you haven't got it already!) But Ocarina of Time is still my favorite Zelda game!


a pretty good game but not enough to beat Starfox!

see you guys in the next review
SpartanCommander1990 out!


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