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Sunday 19 March 2017

review of the Bouncer (PS2)

Hi guys! Today i review one of Segafan's favorite games on PS2. So can Sion take on STARFOX out  and claim the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award

Hey guys! Once again, im in MegaBytes, getting some chill time ' out after some programming. MB_Nav wanted me to review this game. Of course, i obliged,

Now Onto the review.

In this game, you play as Sion Barzhad, and his buddies, Volt Kruger, and Koh Leifoh has to rescue Dominique Cross, who was kidnapped by the evil Mikado Corporation (protagonist has to rescue  damsel in distress from an evil organisation clichee *ding*)
The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
There's no need for a colorblind mode as everyone but Sion, Kou and Volt are foe plus if there any enemies nearby, your chosen character will automatically face him or her, you you can understand who's on your side!

Audibility 10
All cut scenes are subtitled, so you can understands what's been said during them

Mobility 9

You can't redefine the controls, but he controls are simple enough, it's a button masher, first and foremost you mash the triangle button to attack, and the analogue stick to move around.

Gameplay 10
this is the closest thing to a Streets of Rage 3, but  in a 3d perspective, with RPG elements added. On a plus note,  every time your save and character stats and levels carry over to the next playthrough, which adds extra incentive to play though the game again, and the multiplayer brawl mode adds lifespan,to the game. I remember when i was playing this game when i was in hospital, on the communal PS2. The only downside is that it does get boring after X amount of playthoughs, but a great brawler nonetheless!


Starfox lives to fight another day

see you guys in the next revview
Segafan1990 out!

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