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Wednesday 22 February 2017

Review of Rogue Galaxy (PS4, ps2, pc)

 hey guys! this time I review yet another game on the PS2, requested by the MegaBytes Staff, can this game be the one for MegaBytes claiming their first Satoru Iwata Memorial Award? let's find out!

First things first,  I have some news for you... DGR IS COMMING TO GAMEBLAST! catch up with Kenzie "N7 Retro"  and myself on  25/02/2017.

Apart from that, were you ever received an act of kindness by someone? a buddy shared some of the fries that he had for lunch? well, that's how this review exists! I was in MegaBytes, purchasing myself some light refreshments, and offered me a free Pop Tart, in an exchange for a review of their newest acquisition to their PS2 menu!
Anyway, onto the review!
This game takes place in the Planet Rosa, Jaster finds himself in the middle of a war that is dividing the galaxy. The
Draxian Empire  is invading the resource-rich planet of Rosa, it was up to the Longardian  Federation (and you) to reprel both the monsters and the Draxian Empire and defend the planet! The accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 10
in battle the camera can lock onto the opponent Jaster is facing, so you know who will help you, and who will try to take you out, but a colorblind mode would be great!

Mobility 6
The controls are very simple, but not definable, if you've played Kingdom Hearts, you'll feel right at home!

Audibility 10
The cut scenes and conversations in-game are subtitled, so you can understand what's going on.

Gameplay 9
This game is very similar to Kingdom Hearts, but there's plenty changes in the battle system to make it fresh. For example the action system prevents  the gameplay from becoming a mindless button masher, like Dynasty Warriors. When the meter is depleted, you need to wait until it recharges.

But after a while playing the combat does get a little repetitive, but the story is good enough to keep you playing


see you guys in  the next review

Segafan1990 out!

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