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Wednesday 22 February 2017

Review of StarWing (SNES)

Okay guys! this time I review the first iteration of one of Nintendo's iconic franchises!

Okay guys! to continue the GameBlast hype up I've decided to review yet another classic game!

Onto the review itself.
the evil Andross has raised an army to wreak havoc on the Lylat system. It was up to Fox and his squad mates Falco Lombardi, Slippy "help me!" Toad, and Peppy "do a barrel roll!" Hare to stop him! the accessibility scores are as follows

Visibility 10
Your squad mates are identical to your ship and others are foe. So you know who to shoot and who to assist in a mission

Audibility 10
The dialogue is text based,  and no spoken dialogue is present, so you can understand what's going on.

Mobility 10
Before a game begins, you can pick a control style from a choice of 3. Also with the NES controller, which is very small so you can very easily play this game.

Gameplay 10
for its era, this game is very good!  it shown us what a decent Starfox game is supposed to be! Although the gameplay does get repetitive every X amount of  playthroughs, but its fast paced shooter was revolutionary for it's era.  an instant classic from the NES library


 See you at GameBlast
Segafan1990 out!

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