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Friday 17 February 2017

Review of Legacy of Kain: Defiance(PS2, PC)

Hey guys, today i review yet ANOTHER  game that a mamember of MegaBytes has asked me to review! can MegaBytes take an early lead in the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award.

okay guys..... I understand that i promised you guys (you know who you are...) a Halo Wars 2 review....

well... i was in MegaBytes, and MB_John was pestering me for a review of this game (don't say i aint good to you!)

Anyway.. onto the review

This is the final chapter of the Legacy of Kain triology. In this game you play as BOTH  Kane and Raziel. Kane has refused the sacrice to save the world of Nozgoth, ad it was up to Raziel to find and kill Kane before Nozgoth is destroyed!

the accessibility scores are as follows 

Visibility 10
Everyone but Kane or Raziel is foe, so you can know who is foe, plus if you press L1  the camera will lock onto the nearest enemy to you!

Audibility 10
Theres in-game subtitles  so you can understand what's going on

Mobility 5
This game has no  customization nor alternate control layouts, so this game can be inaccessible to  mobility impaired players, but the controls are simple enough! 

Gameplay 10
This game is just as good as John said it would be, I remember playing the original game on Steam. This game is a half-life-esque blend of combat, puzzle solving and classic platforming. A must buy for fans of the classic platformers!!


see you guys in the next review

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