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Thursday 3 November 2016

Segafan's Birthday Bytes- Part 1- Paint it Jak (Review of and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy (PS2)

Hi guys! i'm here, live in Megabytes in Howard Street (Glasgow) for  the start of my Birthday night out! So instead of giong all LEERERROYYYYYYYYY JJJEEEEENNNNKKKIIIINNNNNSSSSSSSS!!!! and actually enter the tourney, i decided to review games instead(why? BECAUSE I CAN!!!!!)  
anyway, the first review of this series is a old-school classic for the Sony PS2. can this game grasp enough Power Cells to get a Satoru Iwata Memorial Award? let's find out!

This game you play as the silent protagonist Jak, who went with his buddy Daxter  to Misty Island. during his visit   Daxter fell into a pool of dark eco and was turned to a Weasel. It's up to you to turn him back! the accessibility scores are as are as follows:

Visibility 10
everyone but Jak is foe, so you will be OK with this game

Audibility 0
No subtitles are present. So you won't be able to understand what's going on, Unacceptable Naughty Dog!,

Mobility 8
The control layouts are simple,  buy you can't redefine em. Quite good but doesn't quite cut the mustard!

Gameplay 10
This game is in a nutshell, a hybrid cross between Super Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot. You explore the area completing missions and picking up Power Orbs and progress through the game. So if it's  the open-world, sandbox style gameplay you're into, this is the game for you. If you don't have a PS2 you can pick up the HD collection on the PSN store.


this game s a hell of a lot of fun, and very accessible. But  the lack of subtitles brings the score down!

see you guys on the next review

Segafan1990 out!

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