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Wednesday 9 November 2016

review of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remastered (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Okay guys, today i review  a classic for the previous generation of consoles. Can Captain Price infiltrate the cargo ship and retrieve the Fulgore Award? or will his squad be picked off one by one? Let's find out!

firstly, i will be completely ignoring Infinite Warfare, for  obvious reasons and will be reviewing this one as a £65 game.

shout-out to Tom "Summoner's Rift" Starkey for the request!

Onto the review itself. You play as a US Marine and an SAS operative, who has to uncover a plot to launch a nuke against the US.

The accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 10
In multiplayer, a colorblind scheme is on by default so you know who to protect and who to empty a clip on, and there's a colorblind filter that can be switched on and off. Good work Raven Software 

Audibility 7
there's subtitles in campaign, so you can understand what's going on in the story. But it's the multiplayer that the issues lie there's no on-screen notifications when events like a capture point is taken or lost, a kill streak has been called in. So you're gonna find it tough to keep  tabs on the battle as it progresses.

Mobility 10
There's multiple button and stick layouts to choose from. If you've played a Call of Duty game before,  you'll be OK with this game. 

Gameplay 8
The majority of the time you will be on the multiplayer modes as that's what the franchise is famous for. although this contains only ten of the original game's sixteen multiplayer maps* but the missing six will be released for free in December. But the nostalgia I experienced while playing this game, and the classic Call of Duty feel makes the whole package worth  the price (pun not intended!) you will be paying.


 a pretty good game, but not without it's flaws. Best to wait until December to pick up a copy.

*= the original game had 16 multiplayer maps minus the Variety map pack

See you guys on the next review
Segafan1990 out!

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