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Saturday 10 October 2015

Review of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)

Okay guys! This time Bioware takes a crack at the Satoru Iwata Memorial Award! But the main question- can they do this? let's find out! 

ANOTHER REQUEST FROM  KENZIE FOR A REVIEW OF A BIOWARE GAME!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?  5 sins for every Bioware request, so that's 4X5= 20 sins, yeah sounds about right! *Mario 1-Up sound effect*. 

Right, with that out the way, lets get into the actual  review, shall we?
You play as a republic Soldier,the Jedi's last hope(again) who's ship comes under attack by  the Sith( it was at this moment the Jedi Order knew...) now you and your crew has to travel around the galaxy to defeat the ruthless Sith and Restore balance to The Force(again). The accessibility score as as follows.

Visibility 10
There's no need for a colorblind mode, as  when combat starts icons appear on the enemies so you know who will back you up and who to make Croutons out of with your Viroblade or Lightsaber. So you can journey through the Star Wars Galaxy with ease!

Audibility 10
This game has subtitles both in game and in cut scenes so you can understand what's going on. Once again, Bioware fails to disappoint.

Mobility 10
You can control  your character in two ways- the keyboard and mouse you can redefine the controls or you can just simply move your mouse. When combat begins, time pauses, so you have plenty time to react.  So this game is very accessible in this particular category.

Gameplay 10
for a WRPG (Western Role Playing Game) this game is pretty damn good! every decision you make in game determines your force alignment, in the exact same way Paragon and Renegade virtues are done in the Mass Effect Games( read my reviews for more info).  But the only drawback of this game is that you can't import your character into Knights of the Old Republic 2!



But it's before Mass Effect shown up so marking that down is the path to the Dark Side, so apart from that this game is extremely accessible, really fun to play!


bioware done it again! 4th ULTRA COMBO in a row 
Conker just got shot down!


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