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Saturday 17 October 2015

Review of Halo 4 (Xbox 360)

Okay guys! as we complete the series of reviews which rounds up the Halo hype up  series of reviews!

right... just over a week to go!*

So this  game picks up where the Legendary (pun intended) Halo 3 left off. The Master  Chief has wiped out the flood and killed Gravemind. But his faithful AI, Cortana (not Microsoft's answer to Apple's Siri) and Cheif himself finds themselves adrift in space in the ship Forward Unto Dawn, we are left off with the Chief going into chryo sleep and saying to Cortana "wake me if you need me".

Well... Four years after that.. the Prometheans found them (it was at that moment Cortana knew...). But to make things worse Cortana was in the late stages of going into rampancy. So  it is up to  you to stop the Prometheans from making the humans as dead as a dodo, while preventing Cortana from going into rampancy!
the accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 8
There's no colourblind mode in Multiplayer but the standard workaround is there (read my previous reviews of Halo 3, Reach and Mater Chief Collection for more info) but you can't disable friendly fire so  if you are affected with red/blue colorblindness you will be at a slight disadvantage. But if you've played a Halo game before, you'll be ok with this.

Audibility 10
This game  has in-game subtitles, so you can understand what's going on in the  campaign.

Also  when your or the enemy team is nearing victory in multiplayer, a notification will appear on the bottom left of the  scree, and  when you become the king, or when you are carrying the flag the appropriate notification will appear just below your shield bar. So you'll be ok with this game.

Mobility 10
there's multiple stick and button layouts to chose from. Like i said above if you've played   Halo Reach before you'll be ok with this. So you'll be ok with this game.

Gameplay 10
Gameplay wise, it's   a mix of Halo (obviously!) and Call of Duty, but with a few tweaks to stop the gameplay being too similar  to CoD. You can customize the loadouts you spawn with, which can make  game unbalanced,  sprinting is no longer an armor ability, like in Reach. If you get a certain ammount of kills tyou can call in power weapons like SAWs and Rocket Launchers to a location of your choosing, but it is not as bad as Call of Duty's Killstreak system. So summary this game has a great campaign, but it there are certain elements which are too plagiarized from Call of Duty. But it is still a pretty fun game nonetheless


*=  at date of posting


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