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Wednesday 21 October 2015

DGR Spook-tacular! Part 1 (Skulls out for Halloween!

by my calculations it is October 21st 2015!" only a week before Halloween and Back to the Future Day! <insert Back to the Future theme here> So can 17-bit  beat Jim Raynor, or will  General Akimoto be too scared to fight? let's find out!

This game is more of a child-frenziedly, tongue and cheek version of the Warring States era of Japan(depitced in Shogun:Total War). You play as General Akimoto who has been betrayed by one of his officers< insert dramatic dun dun dun sound here> He finds himself in the afterlife. He no has to command his army of unread soldiers, and find and kill Akimoto's betrayer! The accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility 0

during campaign your units are in red and your enemy units are in blue, but in Multiplayer battles there are 4 colors to chose to have your units' armor to be in. A colorblind mode would be great. But still.... Could be worse! (Jeremy Clarkson cliche *ding*)

Audibility 10
There's in-game subtitles in speech bubbles,m similar to comics/graphic novels. The troops speech are in gibberish, so good luck understanding without them! Good job 17-bit Studios!

Mobility 10
There's two ways to play this game. You can play using a standard controller or the mouse. The controls are pretty straight forward. Its turn-based strategy, similar to Chess, so the game is played at your own pace as you have all the time you need to make your moves. So you can play. So you can be an armchair Tokugawa in no time!

Gameplay 10
This game is a lot more family freindlyas it's like the NES version of Mortal Kombat- violence without the blood (NES fanboys, you have my sympathy! ) you can have a friend over for a battle against each other via Steam,  or on the same PC! So you can play this game for months, due to the acual size of the campaign.


This game's lack of colourblind mode drags the score down! Blizzard's reign of terror continues!
see you on the next review
Segafan1990 out!

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