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Tuesday 29 September 2015

Review of Titanfall(Xbox One)

standby for Titanfall!
to kick off Sci-Fi Season, I was just browsing at my local CEX, and a copy of this game for £10. I decided to buy this for review purposes.

In this game you play as a pilot of a Titan, a mech similar to the AT-ST Walkers in Star Wars. The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10
Once again EA fails to disappoint with numerous color blind modes to chose from, which can be altered to suit your impairments via the game's options menu. Keep up the good work guys!

Audibility 10
This game has in-game subtitles. So you can know what's going on in the heat of battle. |For example when your team has taken the lead and your commander will tell how well or abysmal your team is doing. Nice job Respawn!

Mobility 10
 There's numerous stick and button layouts to chose from and the auto-sprint feature is a very welcome  additional feature to enhance the accessibility from a mobility impaired gamer's perspective. Good work Repawn!

Gameplay 7
This game  is online only, similar to Destiny but  at least you can play through the story alone. But it's "campaign" is just multiplayer and according to Youtuber Angry Joe stated the campaign lasts only for hours. but  in my opinion,   that  makes the gameplay repetitive and gets boring pretty quickly!

This game is  brilliant for accessibility, but it's just the exclusion of any single-player content, and a very short campaign. To be honest, Bungie did the whole "Online-Only component better! So  Bioware reigns supreme!

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