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Saturday 26 September 2015

Review of Duke Nukem Forever (360 PS3 PC)

Hi everyone! This extra review i get into one of the most politically and morally incorrect games on the 7th Generation of consoles!  So can Duke kick Shepard's @$$ and chew bubble gum, despite the fact he is all out of gum? let's do this!


there is a particularly  funny story  why i'm reviewing this game. as soon as i confirmed to Triscia that the Mass Effect 3 review is coming this week. She stated that the review in question would not attract any pageviews due to the release of FIFA 16. Well the slight  issue was Kenzie despises FIFA due to the Price Ranges in Ultimate Team. Sooooo.... Kenzie threw down the gauntlet!  if Mass Effect drew in 10 or more Pageviews by the Weekend, i will review the game Triscia despises Duke Nukem Forever <insert dramatic dun dun dun here>. 

If that fails i would have had to review another game that bring Kenzie's blood to the boil. The Impossible Game, <insert  another dramatic dun dun dun here>. Well it's Friday today and my review of Mass Effect 3  has been viewed 15 times.

oh boy! Why was i dragged into this!?

In this game puts you in  the  boots and shades of the Equal opportunity @$$ kicker himself Duke Nukem who has to fight off an alien invasion of Earth due to the Cycloids (another Earth invasion!? are you  kidding me!?  was Commander Shepard actually doing his job  and defended Earth, or was he too busy doing Sudoku puzzles? *ding*).

The accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility -10
This game can be playable with  visual impairments..... but only with Single Player!  as friends and foes can be easily distinguished. But when it's when you're playing online is where the issues start to arise. Everyone is Duke even when you are in team games! so playing multiplayer can be a nightmare to play hence the reason why i marked this game down so harshly. One last thing.... this game has no colourblind mode! even the scores are inaccessible!  for the first time in the hostory of the blog a minus score has been given!

Audibility 10
This game has subtitles i'll give it that! So you can understand what's going on.

Mobility 0
The console Port has very limited control layouts. But you can redefine the controls on PC. But the lack of accessibility in this category is just a joke! Particularly in the console versions!

Gameplay -10
Okay.... This game is is total flop! lets see......
cr@ppy level design in Single Player *DING*
stupid AI enemies *DING*
Poor, shoddy Multiplayer *DING*
Long-Winded and boring Driving sections *DING*
Frustratingly hard Mini-Games that is guaranteed to make you r@ge quit *DING* (i mean... who would like to play Air Hockey with a controller anyway!)

The only good thing about this gameplay wise is Duke's one-liners, which is kinda funny. If you are easily offended, avoid this game at all costs! There's too much controversial content in this game! Nudity, Alcohol Drug Use, Vulgar Toilet Humor (yes Turd Burglar achievement, looking at you!) In summary this game tried to replicate the feel of Duke Nukem 3d but they failed.. miserably!


 this game is just.....EPIC FAIL  both in terms of  both accessibility and game play!  that was two pounds i flushed down the toilet! this game is most likely the Firebird  Interactive Memorial Award winner at the Bloggies 2015! 


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