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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Review of Halo 3(Xbox 360)

Okay guys! as i continue the hype-up for Halo 5: Guardians(Destiny clichee *ding*) i will be reviewing one of the Xbox 360's greatest games. So can 117 adjust Cena's Attitude? or will he
live on to fight another day? let's find out! Alistair from GAME Ayr  with the request for this!

Halo 3 made the Xbox 360 as popular as it is today. This game ends the epic story of Spartan 117 and the Arbiter's fight to save humanity. Earth has fallen to  a coalition of alien races called  The Covenant. Humanity  is on the brink of extinction, Now humanity makes it's final stand to defeat the Prophet of Truth and the Flood once and for all! the accessibility scores are as follows-

Audibility- 10
in-game subtitles is present, so you can understand what is going on in this epic campaign, so players, also in multiplayer it tells you what gametype and a brief description of its objective So hearing impaired gamers can pick up and play this without any issues.

Visibility- 9
There's no colourblind mode, but it uses the same workaround  which i mentioned in the following reviews Halo 3 ODST, Halo Reach and Halo: the Master Chief Collection, there's arrows over your teammates heads with their service tags so you can tell who and where he is. If he doesn't have an arrow take him out   he ain't on your team.  Allies and enemies are easy to distinguish in campaign, so apart that flaw, visually  impaired players will be ok with this game.

Mobility- 10
pretty much the same as the previous entries in the Halo series, multiple stick and button layouts which are almost identical with the other entries except for Halo 5 because it's not even out yet! so we'll have to wait until October 27th for that!

Gameplay- 10
This game has the  timeless, classic Halo feel to it, same weapon set as Halo 2, with a few additions. For example the return of the Assault Rifle (Halo 2 is the only Halo game that did not have that weapon) and  the Energy Sword's big brother the Gravity Hammer. The map set are iconic, but if you want to play this game purely for it's multiplayer, better off getting ODST, as it has the entire mapset on it's separate multiplayer disk. But all-in-all Halo 3  has  it's own, unique gameplay experience both in single hand multiplayer, which is in my opinion a good thing!


 so close to  overcoming to an Ultra Combo, and beating  WWE! But it's lack of color-blind mode killed that  opportunity, the Cenation  lives on......................this time

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