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Saturday 9 May 2015

All S.T.A.R.S of the Hill of Evil- Chapter 2 the Second Horsemen (review of Silent Hill 2)

you wanted it guys... you got it!
I'm going through the HD collection of Silent Hill on the go i'd thought i'd give you guys a treat.... ill be reviewing the two games INDIVIDUALLY. So can WWE conquer the horrors of Silent Hill? or will they perish therefore becoming the undead themselves? as  Youtuber Mullet Mike would say TURN THE LIGHTS DOWN! AND THE VOLUME UP!  as we journey into Silent Hill 2!

 Silent Hill is Konami's flagship  series of horror games( even though that Silent Hills has been cancelled!)  in this game  you play as James Sunderland, who returned to the fictional, zombie infested town  because  he got a letter from his wife Mary. The Accessibility scores are as follows-

Visibility- 10
there's  no colourblind mode, but there's no need for one!  like all entries in the Silent Hill series, there's no need for one! everyone in the town is your foe! So visually impaired players can play this game!

There is subtitles, but here's where the problems arise. In most horror games you are mostly relying on your sense of hearing to immerse yourself into the experience. Silent Hill 2 is no different. Just like in the first Silent Hill, you'll be relying on the pocket radio to warn you when enemies come close to you, the louder the static, the closer it is. So hearing impaired players should avoid this genre  of games. Especially the Silent Hill Series.

Mobility- 10
Like  it's predecessor,  it uses Tank Controls (check out my review of  Silent Hill  for more info on that). Apart from movement, the combat mechanics are pretty basic hold RT to  aim, then A to attack or shoot, depends what weapon you have equipped. A is also to interact with the environment. Although there is no redefinable control layouts, you'll still be able to play this game.

Gameplay- 10
Konami took what's good about Silent Hill, and cranked them then-fold with the power of the PS2, the draw distance is considerably larger, but the ambience fog still exists to create the feeling of loneliness and isolation.


 don't get me wrong, i like this game, scared me witless  but its the lack of options for visually impaired gamers that's the fly in Konami's soup!  the Cenation fights on!

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