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Sunday 17 May 2015

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT (incl. transcript)

uick update on what is going on in the blog- read by KenzieRetroGaming 64 *, if LPs (Let's plays) are your cup of tea check out his channel:

art  by AzureBlueWorld
Music- Inbound 1, Forget About Freeman, Black Mesa Soundtrack Joel Nielsen

chase the dream guys, KenzieRetroGaming64 today, here on behalf of SEGAfan1990, i will be reading these announcements for him due to his speech impediment.

Basically, he let me do these announcements after he  bribed me  with reviews of Streets Of Rage 1, 2 & 3 if i  decide to do these announcements for him, which i have agreed to as you can probably tell anyway  please note these words are actually his and not mine. Anyway we got a lot to get through as KSIOlajideBT would say, famous Football Youtuber by the way guys- LETS DO THIS!
*I shout* oh my god Kenzie, no wonder you're so cr@p
Kenzie: Shut up!

we haven't started, and we already referenced KSI!

 Anyway firstly me and SEGAfan are approaching the end of our respective courses in college  at college for the summer, so he is pleased to announce the first ever Summer of DGR. Due to the Summer Holidays, he will have more time to focus on the quality of his reviews, alongside the schedule which he will be posting the reviews. Also there is going to be a series of gaming nights throughout the summer
* cheesy trumpet fanfare*
 a Dota 2  League!
So  all  we got to do is get a minimum of four teams of five, to get us all warmed up for The International which is the biggest Dota 2 competition of the year. In  the run-upto, and including the international there is going to be a competition on the Steam group he has, which is Disabled Gaming Reviews


Now how this competition is going to work is  there's going to be a league system. There's going to be 3 points  for the winner. There's going to be 1 point for a draw and there's going to be  no points for  a loss during  a match  and the winner of our Dota 2 league *cheesy trumpet fanfare*   will get  a review of their choice from SEGAfan's Steam Library and every Wednesday night  will be FPS night. Going back to the Dota 2 League, matches will be run on every second Friday so every  fortnight on Friday when we have that underway. Then Wednesdays are FPS nights and the games that we will be focusing on are Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and Goldeneye Source. Which is a re-work using the Source Engine, with Goldeneye's multiplayer, which is added as a last-minute addition to the Nintendo 64 port of the successful film.

Anyway we'll be playing Goldeneye Source to see how INVINCIBLE!
Kenzie: we are. Please note that these nights will be taking place on PC/Steam only so, sorry console fanboys no joy for you!
<Darth Vader's epic NO! from Episode III>

Speaking of consoles SEGAfan does have preorders down for two big   triple-A titles *cheesy trumpet fanfare* coming out in the tail end of this year one of them being - rejoice EA fanboys! Star Wars Battlefront *Darth Vader breathing* But relax Master Chief fans Halo 5 Guardians will be out as well, so he has got both Halo 5 Guardians  and Star Wars Battlefront in the pipeline, and he will be reviewing those games on their respective launch days. In Halo 5 Guardians' case, October 26th

 right, he just informed me that Star Wars Battlefront will be available on November 20th. So that's two big Triple-A reviews in the space of just three weeks *cheesy trumpet fanfare*  

<Chris Jerico's shut the hell up speech>
anyway that's just about it. So October 26th for Halo 5 Guardians and November 20th for Star Wars Battlefront rejoice EA fanboys
<one does not simply troll EA fanboys>
so that pretty much covers everything so  thanks for watching (or reading) today. Pace out. Now SEGAfan give me my reviews b!tch

James : okay! okay! i will work!
(ah well, better get back to work then!)

*= no EA fanboys were were harmed or trolled in the making of this video  

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