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Wednesday 15 October 2014

The nightmare on dgr street- my top 20 gaming creepyPastas(9-5)

okay guys...were only 2 weeks until Halo-ween! normally I'd post  these every Friday but i am heading to London on that day! so you're in for a (trick or) treat!  this week's CreepyPastas will be posted one day early!

9- Squall is dead- Final Fantasy VIII
i confess-i am a big fan of the Final Fantasy  games (especially number 7)  but this CreepyPasta in particular is in Final Fantasy 8. *SPOILERS ALERT* at the end of the first disc of the game the sorceress  Edea kills Squall( Aires/Aireth dies at the end of the first disk of FF7, coincidence, or the illusion of coincidence?)  using an Ice Shard spell. Most aspects of the game's plot changes drastically. When you finish the game  you will encounter random flashbacks from Squall, to put the cherry on the rotten, creepy icing. You will see a picture of Squall with no face
good ol' fassioned Nightmare fuel!
 seen here

this leads to the belief that from the second disk on is actually Squall's  Dying dream. This is medically  known as a Near-Death experience(NDE for short,). The reason why this is so highly on this list is there's just as much evidence to confirm as there is to deny this theory, but there is no official conformation, or denial from Square.

8- MISFORTUNE.GB is a supposed game for the original Game Boy,   in this game you play a part of a little boy who walks into a g
Gothic-style building when you walk up  halfway up the  room you will meet a strange entity implying  to be the Devil himself would  move to the center of the screen. This satanic entity would say " I exist within the very fabric of reality.
Do you want to challenge me? if you were to pick 'yes' the  entity would respond with "Then let's begin." then you will be transported with a  room containing 4 small cabins. The entity would say "chose wrong and Misfortune would befall your loved ones, are you ready to play?" if the player chooses the wrong cabin the screen would go black then the picture of  Misfortune would appear and a text box would say "I am god here."(Sonic.exe cliché much?).   Throughout this creepy game you will encounter more puzzles. If you fail  just one. The same consequence would happen. Apparently the  people who would play this game would become jittery  in everyday life, suffer depression and in some cases, players would commit suicide. There's a   recreation of this game. This can be downloaded at
go ahead and try it if you like. Once again at your own risk!

7. Herobrine- Minecraft
 Herobrine  is an  extremely popular CreepyPasta, hence the reason why it's so high on this list. Herobrine is believed to be Minecraft's creator Micr-err.  I mean Notch's brother. Theres a lot of pictures of Herobrine appearing on forums. Also there was a live stream called 'BroCast' which was streaming gameplay of Minecraft,  they encountered Herobrine. When  the player killed Herobrine, the stream cut out.  There was a tweet from Notch  which  denied the authenticity of Herobrine's existence. He also claimed he only has a half-brother, but  he was not in the game. He even made a joke of it with the clause "removed Herobrine" from at the end of the games Patch notes. o is Herobrine a soul stuck in a game or just a hoax? ill let you decide.

6. Pokemon- Buried alive
not another Poke-Pasta! last one guys. I promise! Like the previous Poke-Pastas the story is about the Red and Blue/Green(JP) versions, in Lavender town, seriously! Just because its a place where people bury dead Pokemon, doesn't mean that all Poke-Pastas should be based there! Anyway, in normal cicumstances, The  boss of the tower in Lavender Town is the ghost of Cubone's Mother,  the same sprite used in Pokemon Creepy Black. ~But in this 'Pasta...its about the trainer called 'BURRIEDALIVE" this is only acessible with a code that Game Freak had  hidden.  if you encounter him he would say things like "im lonely" anmd "wont you join me?" then a standard trainer battle would commence against Burried Alive. Burried Alive uses  High-level  Over-Powered Pokemon, so the battle is exremely tough to win. If   all your Pokemon would to faint Burred Alive wmould say "raw meat....."  then your character would die. The game Over screen would be  Buried Alive holding the  cadaver (dead body) of the player.
 Another Mario CreepyPasta. This time  as John Cleese would say "and now for something completely different" TheCreepypasta is about a compressed file in  the .rar format. Once Decompressed theres two files: an .exe  file called "MARIO" The game in itself looks familiar to the  SNES classic Super Mario World but creepy there's no enemies.  But at some point when you  demolist one of the castle with TNT it describes  murder victim. The other file in the ,rar file is a text file with gibberish, The only legible text it at the top. the repeated phrase "find me" can be read. The rest of the gibberish is actually code for a jpeg (picture) file.  When you convert the file  you will see this:

  wether or  not this is indeed the murder victim described in the game, or just a hoax... but until next week....  sleep tight *SONIC.EXE LAUGH*

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