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Saturday 29 August 2020

Rview of Battletoads (PC, Xbox One)


Hey, everyone! This week, I review the latest addition to Rare's long-running series of brawlers does Rash have the Instinct to  ground all flights? or will airport security kick  him out?

Let's find out!

(best enjoyed with headphones on!)

 UK-based developer, Rare has been a powerhouse of the Xbox Game Studios brand, they have been involved in the development of cult classics such as  Goldeneye for the N64, Killer Instinct, and the SNES classic, Battletoads 

This series of games is notoriously difficult. Don't believe me, try getting the Beyond the Impossible Achievement (to unlock this achievement, you have to complete an entire lap of the original entry of the series' most infamous Turbo Tunnel level, good luck with that, guys!). The original entry of this series was released in June 1991. This can be played via the Rare Replay Collection on Xbox One. Recently, BattleToads character, Rash has been a cameo in numerous games, for example the reboot of the classic beat up game,Killer instinct.  earlier on this month, the series has undergone a much-needed reboot.

In this game, our three protagonists rash, pimple and Zitz has been trapped in their own fantasy simulator bunker. They've locked themselves in there  for 25 years. Yup, our intergalactic heroes has been falling to modern-day obscurity. This game, they make their return to defeat their long-time enemy, the Dark Queen to regain their reputation.(Geez, being a cameo character in a popular fighting video game series is not reputable enough for ya?)

However, a mysterious alien race has taken control of Universe and stole the dark Queen's powers! I was up to you to send those Tropians running back to the motherships!

The accessibility scores are as follows:

Visibility 10

This game is very accessible for a colourblind player,Everyone but you and your friend (if you have him or her  sitting next to you, playing with you – more on that  in a minute!) are an enemy!

Also, you  can set player icons to shore above your character at all times. That way, you can understand which player is controlling which Battletoad during the heat of battle.


Audibility 8

Due to the comic book style of graphics and gameplay, every time that a character speaks, subtitles will be displayed in speech bubbles, similar to a comic or graphic novel.So, you should be able to understand what's being said (including every crude comment) as the story progresses. So a player with hearing impairments should be able to play this game with no issues.

Mobility 10

This game can be played using a keyword (although, it is not recommended!) You can also play with a controller. Also, the control layout can be fully customised to the options menu so, a mobility impaired player can customise their controls to suit their impairments. However, certain actions, for example getting flies, which we generate a portion of your health requires two buttons. This can cause issues for a player with a mobility impairment, disadvantaging them in an already difficult game.

Everything's considered, a  mobility impaired player will be able to play this game with few issues.

Gameplay 9.5

this game shows us that the brawler sub genre still has plenty of fight (pun intended!) Left in it!  The combat is  somewhat similar to Streets of Rage 4, but the difficulty slider cranked up to 11 Similar to Dark Souls, you will die a lot in this game! But, you will love every last minute of it! 

In summary, BattleToads is a very faithful remake of an all time cult classic it seems like rare has taken the exact same approach to this game Dotemu done to Streets of Rage. They have replaced the basic, sprite graphics, and replace them with beautiful hand drawn graphics. The biggest criticisms that I have aids that this game has no multiplayer! So, if you want to play this game with a friend, you will have to travel to his friend's house, and play with him on same couch co-op! There are certain achievements out there which  requires three players on the same game.With this game being on Xbox game pass, a would-be criminal not to at least give this game a try!


Before I go, there is something as like to speak to you about. As you may have known, seasonal flu jabs should be available in the coming weeks and months. I do understand that the vaccination programme is controversial, but, we are facing a possible second spike during the winter. Can you tell me which time of year that the flu virus is likely to hit? Winter. So, to prevent our NHS being overwhelmed, please get vaccinated. 

Should a possible second spike of coronavirus on the horizon, the last thing that the NHS would want it would be hospital wards accommodating people who's been struck down by the flu viruses well.

See you guys in the next review

SpartanCommander1990 out!

Roll Out, Spartan Company!

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